Thank God

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Klaus's POV

I was sitting down in the sofa in the middle of the compound trying to remember how to use my bloody phone I was never good at using it but 3 years of not using it made me forget everything.

My phone started to ring and when I checked the contact it was my lovely daughter, but I started to frown knowing either something bad had happened of they where skipping school again, maybe even both. I rolled my eyes and answered.

"Why are you calling me you better be in danger and don't think your missing school" I heard her take a deep inhale.

"Well me, Lizzie and Jo have sort of already walked out of the gate and need you to come pick us up" I sighed and hit myself in the head with my hand.

"And why are you skipping exactly there better be a good reason" I waited for a reply and heard them whispering on the other side "You realise I can hear you" They stopped and heard the phone being passed to someone else.

"Hi Klaus Lizzie here our amazing reason for leaving the school was Aurora being a bitch and Hope nearly ripping her to shreds when she started calling Josie pretty and giving her heart eyes" I blinked a few times and internally groaned.

"Okay thankyou for the partial explanation Lizzie and pass the phone back to Hope" Once I stopped talking and heard them change the phone over. "Hope as someone who wants to kill Aurora very proud as your father please don't go killing her in the middle of school and would like to explain the rest of the story since I'm guessing since if it was just that you wouldn't have stormed out the gates and school"

"I'll try not to and the other side of the reason is we're willing to let you guys help us in our plan since I want to hurry up and kill this bitch before you tried hitting on my girlfriend again" I smirked silently and her protectiveness sadly still having to tell her to mind her language.

"I'll get Hayley to come pick you up and also tell her why so she doesn't come there just to kill the three of you bringing Caroline with her" After that they said goodbye and I hung up the phone and screamed Hayley to lazy to go and look around for her, after a few seconds she vamped towards me punching me in the nose. "Shit that hurt what the hell was that for" She looked at me like I was stupid said nothing and sat down on the chair in front of me.

"So what the hell did you need to speak to me so badly about that you needed to burst my ear drums" She said this with attitude annoyed that I didn't just look for her.

"Well our daughter and the twins have decided to skip school again" The moment I said this she stood up putting her hair up, I put my hands on her shoulders calming and convinced her to sit back down, "Before you go all Mama wolf on their ass's they called because they want to hurry up and get Aurora killed they are willing to get our help so they want someone to pick them up so we can get the plan in motion fast and as an amazing father I volunteered you"

"Thank God I was really starting to worry about them doing the plan by themselves I know Hope is always saving people at the school but she shouldn't put all their fates on her shoulders that is to much pressure we should be protecting her not her protecting us and also we need to hurry up and get this finished with so they can get a normal school schedule and actually learn" After this she didn't let me get a word in walked towards the door picking up a pair of keys and left.

"Your welcome for telling you then" I basically said to myself.

Hayley's POV

I vamped to my car and quickly got in going over the speed limit in seconds to get the school as soon as I could. Yes obviously I am mad at the fact they are skipping school again but I am so happy that Hope is going to tell me the plan I was so worried I don't want anything bad to happen to her. She has been by herself for so long protecting the people she loves just like her father but I don't want that to stop her from asking her family for help.

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