Chapter 11

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Thank you tinafina888 for the idea of Julian's P.O.V.

Julian's P.O.V.

Julian's feet hit the ground hard. He stumbled a few steps before regaining his balance. The gravel crunched under his shoes.

Uncle Arthur was staring at the London Institute that stood before them.

They walked up the steps and were greeted by a woman. The lady was very elegant. She had blonde hair and stormy gray eyes.

" Welcome back Arthur," she said. The woman then turned and looked at Jules," you must be Julian. I have heard a lot about you and your siblings. It is so nice to finally meet you."

Jules nodded," thank you." Uncle Arthur cleared his throat," we should unpack before dinner."

" Yes. That would be a great idea. Jules, I am Elizabeth Whitelaw. As soon as you are done packing, Arthur will lead you to the dining room so that you may become acquainted with the rest of the residents." She led them to their rooms.

The room was an exact replica of the uninhabited rooms in the Los Angeles Institute. He dropped his bags onto the ground and started unpacking.

He set up his art supplies on one side of the room, by the window. He gazed at the complete difference in view.

No doubt, he could make dozens of drawings and paintings of this scenery.

There was a soft knock on the door. "Come in," said Jules. Uncle Arthur walked in," Julian, it is time for dinner." They walked together to the dining room. The walls were lined with century-old tapestries and paintings.

The dining room had candles scattered throughout the room. It was filled with the idle chatter of the residents.

When everyone saw them come in, they all stopped and stared at Jules and Uncle Arthur. Elizabeth rose from her seat and stood next to them.

Her voice was loud and clear," everyone, this Julian from the Los Angeles Institute." She gestured to Jules, who just waved.

" I suspect most of you remember Arthur," she said.

Uncle Arrthur went to sit with Elizabeth and her husband, Charles. Jules sat between a boy and a girl around his age.

The girl had light brown curly hair. She also had blue eyes and freckles scattered across her nose. The boy was tall and had blonde hair and hazel eyes.

The girl turned to him," Hello, I'm Ciara." They shook hands. Ciara jerked her chin towards the boy on the other side of Jules," that's Timothy Whitelaw."

Jules looked from Timothy to his parents. He got his hair from his mother, but the rest resembled his father.

" If you want, I could show you around the Institute after dinner. The corridors are a little bit different in every Institute," offered Ciara. " That would be amazing. Thank you," said Jules.

After, Ciara led Jules around the Institute. She showed him all of the rooms that were occupied by other residents.

She introduced him to Timothy's younger sisters. They were 16 years-old and twins. Their names were Anna and Victoria. The girls were spitting images of their mother.

There was also a young 12 year-old boy named George Greenthrush. He had black hair and green eyes.

Jules and Ciara talked about their lives. Ciara was an orphan. Her last name was Maplewell and she loved music.

Jules told her about his siblings and Emma. When Julian talked about Emma, he got a deep ache in his chest. He had never been so far away from her before. His thoughts kept on going back towards her.

Once they were done their tour, Ciara led Jules back to his room.

" Thank you for showing me around," said Jules. " You're welcome. We have training at 8:00 tomorrow,so be ready," informed Ciara.

" Okay. Well, good night," said Julian.

" Goodnight."

Jules turned and went into his room. He got ready for bed and flopped onto his bed. He stared at the wall.

On the wall, he pinned a picture of him and Emma at the beach. Her blonde hair was flowing in the wind. Jules was chasing her, trying to tickle her. Christina took the picture of them a year ago. Jules fell asleep thinking about Emma.

Nightmares awaited him.

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