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We started at each other for god knows how long. That's when I broke the silence. "We need to make a planned" I said staring at her directly in the eyes. She squealed "like spy's!" She said happily. "Yes! I think we will need Mirabel and Camilo involved as well. Let them know about it, I'm going to bed now though because I'm tired" I said while yawning. We both said goodnight and went separate ways.

I reached my door and walked into my room. Isla wasn't here, I sighed. I couldn't imagine the thoughts going though her head she must be struggling. But what if she goes through with it I thought to myself in a panic. No no no she wouldn't do that she loves me I convinced myself. I walked into my room, and I changed into a very baggy old shirt and some shorts. I climbed into bed and threw the covers over me. I sighed "today's been a long day, and a shit birthday" I whispered and silently laughed. I eventually closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.

Couple hours later
I had slowly started to wake up. I felt someone pulling me onto them. I opened one of my eyes and saw it was Isla. I smiled as she played with my hair. "I love you y/n, I'm trying to make things right. I don't want to hurt you amor." She whispered quietly, I could hear her sniffling, she was crying. My heart dropped, it felt like it had skipped a beat. I suddenly felt sick, but I stayed still I couldn't give myself away. I also just wanted her to know that I was there for her, I knew what was happening and that I love her too, and we could get through this together. But I couldn't I had to stay quiet. I just closed my eyes, enjoying the moment. I really felt like I shouldn't had been enjoying it, but she had just told me she loved me without actually telling me. I wanted to enjoy this, being in her arms while she's playing with my hair and telling me she loves me. I loved it, I loved her. I smiled and put my mind at ease, I closed my eyes and fell asleep letting all the worries escape my mind.

In the morning
I woke up to see Isla awake, her mascara was smudged down her cheeks, and her eyes were puffy. There were tear stains all down her face, she looked miserable. I moved from off of her and sat next to her. I stared at her, she just stared at the floor. "Care to enlighten me on what's wrong?" I said putting my hand on her thigh for comfort. She looked at me "nothings wrong I'm just confused" she said while her voice was shaking. I didn't wanna ask her what about. I didn't think She really knew what she looked like. "Okay mi amor, I know you're upset and I'm not gonna push you into telling me. I understand that you're going to have your rough days, and I'll always be here with you to help you deal with them. You've just gotta trust me, I promise I'm never gonna leave you, and I'm never gonna hate you for anything... and I mean Anything." I said to her. I tried to hint at her that I knew but She just smiled at me and said "I love you y/n" my face went red and I could tell I was blushing. "I love you too" she tried to pull me back onto her lap, "no no no I have something I need to do" I said while stopping her. She huffed and rolled her eyes "fine" I stared at her "are you sure you're okay amor?" She looked away from me "I said I'm okay" she snapped. I sighed "okay mi amor" I moved her face to face me. I kissed her on the head. "I'll speak to you later I love you" and I walked out the room. Now I needed to go find Dolores

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