The truth about Dolores

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We spoke for around a hour. She told me how she use to make Camilo shapeshift into Dolores to get seconds, but they eventually found out and they've never fallen for it again. She also told me how she would make Luisa carry her everywhere, cause she was too lazy. We was laughing for ages until Dolores said "my papá is calling for me, it was nice talking to you y/n I'm always here if you need me" she walked out the room quietly and shut the door.

I was alone in my room, what Dolores said made me thing about something. Was she always given the blame. She knows the towns secrets, imagine all the secrets she must hold. Then it hit me, why didn't she speak a lot and she rarely comes out of her room. I had an idea of what it was, and everything I normally thought of always turned out to be true. I closed my eyes and thought about Dolores. There I was in her past

Dolores past

It was her gift ceremony, she had just received her gift and she was looking around cluelessly. Fires works started going off and Dolores fell to the floor screaming and crying. Everyone went silent including Abuela. She stood there staring at her not doing anything. Bruno started shouting "go home! Go home!" And as he said so they all rushed out of the casita. Pepa picked up Dolores and took her in her room, with Félix following after them. "It's okay" Pepa said while stroking her hair. "I heard everything" Dolores said sobbing. This wasn't what I was looking for, so I decided to skip forward

5 year forward into the past

Dolores was whispering to Isabela, and Isabela was giggling. "What are you two laughing at!" Snapped Abuela. Isabela smiled turned into a frown, and Dolores jumped out of her skin. "Oh umm just some things I heard" she said nervously. Abuela raised an eyebrow. "What things" she said eagerly. But what Abuela didn't know was that Dolores heard the adults talking about something secretive. "Well I heard my mamá and tío Bruno talk about a visi-" but before she could finish her sentence off, Abuela grabbed her and dragged her out the room leaving Isa stunned. After that Dolores wasn't the same I went further into the future and she was silent, everyone thought she just went silent cause she was busy thinking and playing. Other than Abuela, she wasn't worried like everyone else was.

Back in reality
"Who's past are you looking into y/n" I heard a voice say, it quickly snapped me back into reality. I opened my eyes to see Bruno standing there with his arms crossed.

The truth be untold (Y/N)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang