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I walked into the kitchen and saw a plate of Arepas. "Haha!" I said happily. "Y/n!" Julieta said, giving me a hug. "Oh hi tiá" I said to her while eyeing the food. "Want them?" She said. I squealed in delight. She picked up the plate and I I quickly grabbed it from her "Thank you!" I said walking back into the front room. When I walked into the room Isla was staring at the floor. "What's wrong?" I said sitting down next to her. "Nothing" she snapped. She grabbed a Arepa off the plate "it's cold y/n!" she said bitchy. My eyes widened, I snatched the arepa from out her hand and warmed it up with my gift. I then warmed the rest up shoved the plate onto Isla lap and walked out the room. I was so happy for those Arepas and now she's spoilt it with her bitchyness. I thought to myself as I walked into the hall.

"What a shit birthday" I mumbled to myself. "Why?" I heard a voice say, I turned around to see me papá. I just shrugged. "What's wrong Mija?" he asked putting his hand on my shoulder. I sighed "something is bothering Isla, and she's being really bitchy." I said rolling my eyes. His eyes widened. I didn't really swear a lot, especially around him. "Y/n try speak to her clearly you're upset from it, as you've stated" he said slightly laughing. I couldn't help but smile, he always found a way to make me happy. "Will do!" I said giving him a hug then walking off. Even though he told me to speak about it to her I was scared, what if she doesn't like me no more? Then what do I do? I couldn't help but not worry about Isla.

That's when I felt a hand grab me and pull me into the next room. "People need to stop doing that I swear" I snapped. Dolores was standing In front of me. "Y/n we need to talk, I heard Isla talking to someone. They don't want you here, Isla is trying to stop what's going to happen but their simply not listening." She whispered, very quietly. My face went pale "like they want me out of town?" I asked. I was so confused, she had just pulled me into a room and said this. Dolores shook her head, i started at her and gulped "l-like they want me dead?" I stuttered. I don't think I wanted to know the answer to this. I mean does anyone?She looked away and nodded her head. I suddenly had a wave of sickness overcome me. I felt like my heart was being torn apart, I couldn't think, I couldn't breathe. I felt like I was being suffocated. I had to stop panicking, I needed to know more. I took a deep breath. "Is she or they going to do it?" I said struggling to form a sentence, feeling sick to my stomach. Dolores shook her head "no she's trying to get out of it, she doesn't wanna go through with it but they are making her." I sighed from relief. She didn't wanna hurt me. "She loves you y/n she really does I promise, she doesn't wanna do this she's trying to get herself out from doing it" Dolores whispered to me. She loves me? I mean I love her too I'm the happiest when I'm with her, but she loves me. I couldn't help but smile. There was one more question I needed to ask. It was a question that was bugging me from the start. I needed to know. "Who is making her do this?" I whispered wanting to know more. Dolores swallowed "I'm not sure, they are unknown" Dolores and me just stared at each other, not saying one word.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter <3

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