Suppers gone wrong

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Shocked from what just happened I walked out the room with mirabel following after me. "Y/n you need to tell them" she shouted. "Well I was gonna but now Dolores is gonna blurt it out" I scoff and roll my eyes. Racing to the dining room to grab a seat by Dolores, i hear Mirabel rambling some stuff about trust but Id chosen to ignore her.

As I walk into the dining room, with Mirabel not far behind me everyone was starting to sit down. I noticed there was a seat opposite Dolores which was free, until Camilo started walking towards it. I quickly rubbed my hands together making them hot, and went racing towards the seat he was walking towards. As Camilo went to sit down, I placed my hands on his side and burnt him a little. In doing so Camilo screamed and everyone just looked at him. Camilo was shapeshifting into all the different people here. It was quite funny, then the last person he turned into was me. "Aw is that me I say" while laughing. Camilo looked at me and rolled his eyes and went to sit in another seat. I looked at mirabel with a smirk and winked at her. She just stared at me, she didn't look too happy from what I did but oh well I didn't want Dolores to tell everyone.

Abuela sits down and starts talking about the miracle that was given to her. The story from where she and her husband and their three children, had to flee their village with others. Unfortunately on the way he had been murdered, sacrificed his life for hers, and because of that she had then been given a miracle. I kinda knew all this from mirabel, so I just stared at Dolores. Warning her not to open her mouth to anyone. I could tell she was tempting to tell everyone the new secret she had discovered. I was nervous so very nervous, I wanted to tell them myself, not Dolores. Suddenly out of no where Agustín shoved a jug of water in front of me and said "water?" I jumped to where he put the jug on the table, and quickly knocked it away revealing Dolores spilling my secret to Isabela. Out of all the people she told Isabela I thought. I scoffed as Isa looked at me ready to open her mouth. But instead she smirked, she knew If she just told everyone at this exact moment my torture would be over, and wouldn't annoy me as much . So she happily whispered my secret to Pepa. Her eyes widened as a cloud formed over her head. "Pepa the cloud" Abuela hissed. I cut my eyes at Abuela and heard Pepa calming herself down "clear skies, clear skies, clear skies" she kept repeating while stroking her hair. One by one they each told each other until everyone at the dinner table looked me and went silent. I gulped. "What is going on?" Abuela asked, seems like it hasn't reached her yet until Isabel opened her stupid mouth.
"Y/n isn't who she says she is, she has powers like us but she has more than one!!! She can see the past, create fire, and go invisible." Isabela stated while smirking directly at me.  "THE MAGIC IS GOING TO DIE AND NOW WE ARE ALL DOOMED" Dolores shouted adding onto what Isabela said while covering her ears. Within that everyone's magic started to become uncontrollable. Pepa started a massive rain cloud in the dining room making us all soaking wet. Isabela flowers started growing out of everything, punching Camilo in the nose, Making him shapeshift into a baby. Antonio's animals started to go wild, jumping all over the room. Luisa started screaming as a rat jumped onto the table. The rat looked me dead in the eye and squeaked then quickly jumped off as Luisa tried to flip the table but unfortunately couldn't. She started sobbing and shouting. Antonio hurried towards me and quickly whispered "follow him the rat said and hurry" so I did as Antonio told me, and hurried out the room following the rat who was holding a block of cheese at the same time.

I reached to the top of the stairs and saw the rat squeeze his way behind the picture frame on the wall and squeaked. I moved the frame to its side and climbed through. Only to see a man with a green cloak holding the block of cheese, with the same rat on his shoulder looking directly at him.

Thank you all so much for the reads! I hope you're enjoying this story
I am going to release another chapter in a while so get ready.
Thank you <3

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