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She pulled away from the kiss, "what was that" she said tapping my nose playfully. I shrugged my shoulders, still holding her close to me. "Now you want me" she said smirking. I rolled my eyes and went to move away. "Oh no no no" she said pulling me back to her. "I want to hear you ask me" she said while holding me tight. My face went red. "Go on" she said, still smirking. "W-will you go out with me?" I said nervously. She looked me in the eye "no" when I heard that word my heart sunk, she didn't love me. My face dropped and went pale. She noticed and quickly said "y/n I was joking of course I will don't worry" while laughing. I smacked her on the arm "Oh I actually hate you" making her let go of my waist and walking off "You didn't hate me just" she shouted and laughing even more. I just flipped her off. I could still hear her laughing, I couldn't help but smile.

I was quite hungry so I made my way down to the kitchen. That is until I saw Isabela, I turned back around and walked back off. "Y/n about the other day, I am sorry I didn't mean to hurt you I was angry." She said catching up with me. "Mhmm" I said not looking at her. "Y/n please accept my apology" she said. I just kept walking until I nearly reached my room. "Y/n just stop walking" Isa said grabbing onto my arm, and swinging me around to face her. "Don't touch me" i shouted pulling my arm back. When she grabbed me it reminded me about the orphanage. I suddenly felt sick in the stomach. That's when I heard someone cough behind Isa. "You heard her, she said don't touch her" Isla snapped. Isabela turned around and just walked off. I walked into my room and grabbed a book and sat on my bed. After seeing Isa I wasn't in a good mood. Especially remembering all the awful things in that deathly place. "Y/n are you okay?" Isla said sitting next to me. "I'm fine" I said opening the book and started reading the first line. "No you're not" she said while closing my book. "Talk to me y/n" I sighed and looked at her. I went to say something but no sound came out. Why couldn't I talk about the flashback. I could never seem to talk about the orphanage. It wasn't a pleasant place. I took a deep breath and opened my book again. "I'm okay, honestly Isla don't worry" I said while reading. I could tell she didn't believe me by the way she was looking at me. "Okay y/n that's fine." She sounded mad. I sighed and shut the book and put it in my lap. I looked at her, my face was pale and my body was hot. I didn't know how to word it. Isla grabbed onto my hands, "It's okay amor, take your time" she said to me patiently. "I just got reminded of the orphanage that's all" I said letting go of her hands and opening my book again. "Y/n I promise I will never go against you, or put you in any sort of pain ever again I am so sorry" I sighed, "I know you wont I trust you" I said smiling at her, we both just sat on the bed reading for hours.

Julieta came running into my room. "Y/n come outside into the hall now!"

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