Meeting the rest of the Madrigals

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As I got up Julieta came running back into the room "Oh I've forgot dear, what is your name?" as I opened my mouth to tell her no sound came out, should I trust her? I mean she did heal me with a plate of food I thought to myself. Julieta was just stood there staring at me waiting for me to reply she then said In a calm voice "Take your time hun, don't rush yourself if you're not ready" I looked at the floor, all the memories came flooding back to me. The screaming, shouting, torture I didn't wanna remember any of it at the moment, so I pushed it all to the back of my mind hoping to forget about it. I had forgot where I was, so I was shocked when Julieta nudged my shoulder which made me flinch. "Oh I'm sorry dear don't worry I'd never hurt you" she told me, making sure I knew I was safe. I knew she would never hurt me, only knowing her for a while I felt really safe with her. "My name is y/n" I told her quietly, she some how knew something was wrong, and quickly came over here ,she wrapped her hands around me and gave me a hug. My heart filled with love, is this what a mother's hug felt like? I didn't push her away, I just hugged her back. I really needed it.

Julieta led me into the dining room next to the kitchen, where a young girl was setting up the table. "This is my daughter Mirabel" Julieta said pointing to her.  "Hello" she says while smiling and waving at me "my name is Mirabel, what's your name" Mirabel said happily. I smile at her "my name is y/n, it's really nice to meet you Mirabel" and I give her a small wave. "I'll leave you girls alone, get to know each other and Mirabel tell her about the family." Said Julieta And with that she walked out the room. Staring at Mirabel I noticed how beautiful her dress was, cute little patterns were gently sewed onto a turquoise and white dress. On the dress there were pink little flowers, wild animals and clouds with rain pouring out of it. "Do you like my dress" she  said really quickly "if you do I can make you one just like it" she said. I looked up at her "you can make me one" I say to her shyly "yes I can do you want me to make you one?" She said while she was putting the plates on the table. "Yes please it's really beautiful" I reply. I walk towards her and take the rest of the plates and set the rest out for her. "Thank you" she says as she sits down with a picture frame. I walk towards her and sit down next to her. "Is this your family?" I ask intrigued to know more "yes she replied this is my abuela, she was the one who brought us this miracle and how we all got our gifts" I quickly looked at her "is something wrong?" She said concerned "no no nothings wrong I didn't know you all had gifts I just thought it was your mother who had them" she laughs "oh no we all have them" she points to a woman next to her mother, she was so beautiful she was wearing a yellow dress with suns on it and her hair was in a long plait "this is my tía pepa her mood affects the weather, when she's unhappy well the temperature gets weird." she then points to another person, he was wearing a green cloak and he had black curly short hair that reached his shoulders. She whispers "This is my tío Bruno, but we don't talk about Bruno they say he saw the future then one day he just disappeared. She then points to a man who is quite tall and wears glasses "this is my papa Agustín" she says, she then proceeds to point to a small man wearing a yellow button up top "this is my tío Félix he is married to pepa and these are their kids" she circles around them with her finger. "Dolores can hear anything, including a pin drop, Antonio can speak to animals, he got his gift a while back and last of all Camilo he can shape shift into anyone" she says pointing to him. I just sit there looking at her and listening, I've only just met her and we already seem so close. "now the last two are my sisters Luisa and Isabela" she rolled her eyes the minute she mentioned her sister Isabela. I laughed "it's clear you don't like her" she looked at me and started laughing "no not really she's just so perfect" she says and does the bunny ears behind the word perfect, which makes me laugh even more. "Well Luisa is super strong she can carry anything, and Isabela can make flowers she can" she scoffs. I just sit there laughing at her until people started to walk in. It was time for dinner

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