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C.C. was not in a good mood when Happy took her on her first day of Junior year. He'd woken her up at five in the morning, then made her shower at six. The upside to this was that she was able to have breakfast before leaving, but she wasn't sure it was a sacrifice she was willing to make for a whole year. He'd also made her iron her clothes! Happy was stubborn, and he had a way to make her do things she'd only encountered with Fury.

"Well, Happy's having a blast acting as a father," She commented moodily to Ned. "He's always telling me 'do this'— 'don't slouch!'— 'text me your location if you're with Peter!' and I have to prove that May's in the house with us! He's terrible..."

"Well, now you can cross that off the list: the overprotective parent experience," Ned joked.

"Hey, that's true!" C.C. chuckled.

"Is it weird, not having Pietro around?" Her friend asked. "This is the third time you move out, isn't it tiring?"

"I've spent most of my life moving, the time at Pietro's apartment feels like a fever dream," She smiled. "I'll call him tonight to hear all about his first day. To answer your question, though, I'm used to not living in the same place for long."

"Then it's weirder that you've been here for two years?" 

"Yeah, that's kinda weird," She conceded, her eyes stopped at some point in the distance and she grinned. "You know what's even weirder, though? That's my boyfriend!"

Peter was organizing his locker, he wasn't aware of the two teenagers staring at him.

"Yeah, Peter having a long-term relationship with a superhero isn't exactly what I thought would happen," Ned snorted. "That's insane! In a very cool way," he remarked, "but it's not that crazy if I see it from your perspective... he was the first superhero your age you ever met, right? It was expected."

"You think so?" She tilted her head. "How was that expected?"

"Well, a hero's always going to have an easy dating life. Only idiots would choose to make that complicated too."

"I'd never seen it that way," C.C. raised a brow, "but dating Peter is the easiest thing I've done in my life, so you must be right."

They approached Peter, his eyes skimmed over their faces briefly, then he stopped and smiled at her. 

"Hey, pretty! I've been looking for you since I got here!"

"What about me?" Ned frowned. 

"You're always in my heart, Ned, I don't need to go looking," Peter teased.

"I'll take it," The boy replied with a casual shrug.

"How was your morning, C? Did Happy make you run a mile before breakfast?" 

"Don't you dare say that to him, he might get ideas!"

"What's up, losers?"

MJ appeared behind the girl and Ned, making them jump. C.C. was quick to hide her claws.

"We're talking about Happy's dictatorship and how I'll end up running away with Peter."

"Are we thinking of eloping?"

"How about we run away, the four of us, and we live as roomies for the rest of our lives?" Peter offered.

"As long as I'm allowed to bring dogs," MJ hummed.

"As long as they get along with the stray cats C.C. attracts," Ned teased.

"I don't like cats," C.C. wrinkled her nose. "You can bring as many dogs as you please, MJ."

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