The Spider-Man.

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She didn't have to wait much, Tony showed up with a black eye and an air of urgency.

"You know how I said you wouldn't be using the suit in a while?"


"Well, change of plans, kid."


He explained to her that the secretary of state had given them a short window of opportunity to bring Steve and Bucky Barnes to the authorities.

"And what happens if we don't catch them?"

"Let's not think about that," He rubbed his forehead. "Man, I have the worst jetlag ever. We're in need of an extra helping hand. It'd be super useful if you could copy Thor's powers..."

She weighed her options in silence.

"Tony, exactly how serious would it be if we don't fix this? Will I have to go back to the compound? What does the government know about me?"

"They don't know about you, but that's far beyond the point. If the Avengers stop existing, you'll be back on the streets, the twins will have nowhere to go."

"On a scale of one to ten," She insisted. "How badly do we need help?"

"A solid twenty."

C.C. took a deep breath, closed her eyes, and prepared for impact.

"I know Spider-man."

The man stared at her with triumphant eyes.

"Cat's out of the bag," He crossed his arms. "Start talking."


C.C. tried to remain calm, her brain was yelling at her for betraying Spider-man's trust. It was weird, knowing what she knew, keeping a mental countdown to the moment Peter would find out she wasn't Tony Stark's niece.

Once school was over she offered to drive the boy home. He accepted with the condition that she would stay to have dinner with him and May. That was exactly what she wanted.

When they arrived, C.C. spotted one of Tony's cars parked at the entrance.

"Hey, is that-?"

"See you later, Happy!" She gave him a significant look to shut him up. "No need to wait for me."

"Okay," He frowned. "Should I pick you up..?"

"I'll let you know," C.C. smiled. "Later."

Peter and the girl entered the building, he was telling her about the thing he'd taken out of the dumpster right before Happy had picked them up, she was nodding along, not a single word being processed by her brain.

He opened the door to his apartment and C.C. walked in, noticing Tony and May on the couch. She looked at Peter but he was distracted.

"Hey, May..."

C.C. stood there at the door, hands gripping the straps of her bag tightly.

"Hey! How was school today? Hi, C.C!"

She nodded silently, her legs finally responding and moving towards the living room.

"S'okay," Peter said, walking over to the kitchen. "C.C.'s staying for dinner- hey there's this crazy car parked outside..."

He'd finally noticed the stranger in his house, C.C. was standing in front of him, right next to the tv, and she was staring at Peter anxiously.

"Oh, Mr. Parker," Tony said casually, munching a piece of the loaf he was eating.

Copycat & The Spider-Man (Marvel Fem!OC)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang