Copycat Takes A Break.

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"So talking to him didn't fix things?"

"I told you it wouldn't."

"Were you completely honest?"

"What do you mean?" C.C. rolled over. "Honesty's stupid. People don't need to hear the truth, most of the time they don't want it."

"I think Peter wants you to be honest, he doesn't look like the kind of guy that would turn his back on you if you tell him an ugly truth."

"I didn't lie to him," She responded. "I'm just not gonna share anything else."

"Guy we're going swimming!" Liz opened the door to their room slightly, only her head peered through. "Wanna join?"



"Oh," C.C. laid back on the bed. "I... I think we're good, Liz, thank you."

"You can go if you want," Her friend said. "I'll be fine, I really want to finish my book and you're distracting me."

She jumped out of bed and rushed out the door. "You're the best!"

The rest of the team was already running through the corridor letting out muffled giggles and joking around, one of the girls realized C.C. was wearing normal clothes.

"You're gonna swim in that?"

"Oh, I'll swim in my underwear, I don't mind," She smiled.

"Here, you'll freeze if you don't put on something dry afterward," The girl handed her a bathrobe.

C.C. grabbed her and followed the teenagers to the pool, on one of the corridors they ran into Peter, who stopped to talk to Liz, she barely heard the last part of their conversation.

"Peter you don't need to study, you're like the smartest guy I've ever met..."

She rolled her eyes at the comment but didn't stop to look at the boy, however, Liz called her name.

"Yeah?" C.C. kept her gaze on Liz.

"Tell Peter to come along! It'll be fun!" The older girl looked back at him. "Besides, um... a rebellious group activity the day before the competition is good for morale."

Peter heard only half of the things she'd said, mostly cause he'd been staring at C.C. to see if she would look back. 

"Hmm?" He said absently. 

"Um, well, I read that in a TED talk, so— I-I heard it in a TED talk," Liz laughed nervously, for a crazy moment it felt like the Senior girl was trying to flirt. "And I read a coaching book."

"Looks like you don't need my help at all then," C.C. smiled. "Hurry up!"

She turned away from the pair and continue her race to the pool.

Ten minutes later MJ decided to join them, but she stayed on a plastic chair the whole time, a little away from the water so her book wouldn't get damaged.

"C.C. get on my shoulders," Flash requested. "Let's play against Cindy and Abraham—"

"I'm not gonna touch you on purpose if I can help it, Flash," She responded from the edge of the pool.

"Cool, I respect your boundaries," He was quick to remark.

"You and Peter are still friends, right?" Liz asked her out of nowhere. "What's up with him lately, he's not focused enough, kinda looks stressed..?"

"I don't know anything about that," She replied. "He's not really that close to me anymore, since he started the Stark internship is like they washed his brain, that's all he thinks about."

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