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"P.J. Stark..."


Peter, MJ, Ned, and C.C. were clapping and whistling so hard her ears were actually hurting, yet she couldn't bring herself to stop, this felt adequate for the occasion, it wasn't every day that her adoptive-fake brother graduated from high school.

Tony, Pepper, Rhodes, May, and Happy were there too, being the only adults the teens could kind of consider family. Tony had helped them tons, so he deserved being included in the celebration.

He had his own parties to be planning though, his engagement to Pepper was no secret, but they were taking their sweet time to get everything done. The couple had also decided to wait until Pietro's graduation, not wanting to steal his thunder.

Pietro walked off the stage with his face flushed, C.C.'d never seen him that flustered. When the ceremony ended the group approached to give him hugs and kisses, Tony patted his back.

"Well done, Speedy," He smiled proudly. "Next stop: College. We have one thing to address, though, and that's C.C.'s housing."

"Mr. Stark, we talked to my aunt and she said she has no problem with C.C. staying at our apartment during the semester," Peter was quick to inform.

Tony looked at him with his brows raised, behind him Rhodes and Pepper were smirking and talking under their breaths. 

"At your place?" He tilted his head. "What now, are you sharing a bed too?"

"Tony, don't start," C.C. warned him. 

"I think your legal guardian has a point," Happy intervened. "You can't stay at his place."

"Where should I stay then? Alone? Or are you going to let me move into your place?"

"That's not such a bad idea," Happy admitted. "My place has plenty of room! It'll only be during the semester, you can move back to P.J.'s place during the holidays..."

"I was joking," C.C. backtracked. "Tony, tell him that's a crazy idea!"

"Happy, that's absurd," The man said. "I fully support it."

"No!" Behind her, Peter let out a groan. "May would be home all the time! And it's not like we would do anything crazy, most of the time we sit around reading books and eating pizza..."

"Life's not fair for teenagers," Tony teased her, then he frowned. "Wow, you two really are nerds. Who made you that way?"

"Peter did," MJ walked past without stopping. "Not even I have routines that bland."


On their way to celebrate they divided the crew into two separate cars. She and Peter were at the back of Tony's with Ned as their third companion on the back seat, and Tony with Rhodes at the front.

"I can't believe we're starting our junior year next August," Peter said. "That used to feel ages away! Soon we'll be making our college applications..."

"Have you guys thought of where you'd like to go?" Rhodey asked.

"MIT's our number one choice," Peter answered. "We've talked about it, Ned and I, it'd be amazing if we get in."

"The boys have spoken," Tony glanced at her through the rearview mirror. "What about the Cat? You're not gonna copy their career paths?"

"I haven't given it enough thought," C.C. admitted. "I don't know... something simple, perhaps. Maybe I'll become a middle school teacher or something like that."

"It'd be very benevolent of you," Tony said.

"You have the looks to be that teacher all the single parents have a crush on," Ned joked.

Peter made a face. "That makes no sense, Ned!"

"She kinda does," Tony agreed at the same time Rhodey mumbled: 'Think it's the vintage dresses...'

"Well, it doesn't matter cause you'll probably be married by then," Ned continued. "You'll be that person that married their high school sweetheart and everyone thinks they're dorks."

Rhodey's eyes lit up. "You heard that, Tony? We'll have another engagement soon, don't throw your suit away!"

"If our children wed I'm not wearing the same suit I used to get married, have some taste," He joked.


"I wanna be an engineer," MJ told her. "MIT doesn't sound so bad if I can get the scholarship..."

"Course you'll get it, your grades are great," Peter pointed out.

"Aww, thanks dude," She punched his shoulder lightly.

"I just want to finish high school," C.C. sighed. "It's a miracle I managed to pull through two whole years. Not on my own, of course, you guys are the best tutors ever."

"Well, it's a gift," MJ winked at her. "But why is it so hard for you? You're always doing your assignments at the last minute and you have all night every night of the week to get them done!"

Ned opened his mouth and Peter stepped on him, MJ gave them a weird look but C.C. was quick to distract her. 

"Well, now that I'll be living with Happy you can be sure he won't let me slack as much as Pietro did... the guy's a control freak! I've only been to his place once, but he has cameras everywhere! I don't know what he'll do considering he's not allowed to film me."

"Why isn't he?" MJ frowned. 

"Oh," C.C. cussed internally. "Well, you know..."

"It's just weird to be filming a minor, right?" Peter saved her. "And you know C.C.'s parents are—"

"Big on privacy, yeah," The tall girl raised a brow. "Your family's super weird."

"They're super alright," Ned mumbled, C.C. elbowed him.

"Guys!" Pietro put an arm around Ned's shoulders. "What are your plans for the summer? I wanna hang out with all of my tiny little baby friends before I leave!"

"Peter and I are planning to spend the whole time playing video games and watching movies, but I guess we can move things around."

"Hey, why wasn't I invited to that?" Ned pouted. 

"Cause they're dates, Ned."

"So? Not like I would stop you from kissing, I wouldn't even pay attention to you two!"

"No no, you're not spending the summer indoors!" Pietro made a face. "You pair of losers are going to humor me just this once, alright?"

Peter and C.C. shared a look, everyone had spent the day teasing them about their boring routine, they'd had enough.

"Fine," She gave in. "What do you want us to do?"

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