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"Whatcha gonna study?"

Pietro skimmed through the pamphlets. "Cornell looks good..."

"I have zero knowledge on how applications work," She yawned, reading over his shoulder. "Pietro Maximoff: New York's finest architect. I like how it sounds."

"...I'm looking at applications while my sister is hiding. Who knows if she's even living in a nice place?" He dropped the flyer. "It's killing me."

"There was going to be a point in which you'd have to part ways with her," she replied, "this was obviously no one's first choice."

Pietro sighed, he grabbed the towel that was hanging on his desk chair. 

"You should get ready."

With Thanksgiving out of the way, C.C. and Pietro focused on putting up the decorations. Her adoptive brother only got presents for her and Tony, she got around nine gifts, all wrapped with newspaper. She placed them under their brand new three but took one to the compound the day before Christmas. She gave it to Vision and asked him to deliver it to Wanda the next time he went to visit her.


"Hi, kids! Come in!" 

May welcomed them into her home, warm and with a subtle gingerbread scent in the air. C.C. was guided to the living room, but she quickly sneaked her way into the kitchen.

"I wanna help!" She announced.

The woman gave her a few chores, the boys were helping as well. On the tv, there was a 90's movie they were barely paying attention to, C.C. had never felt as cozy as then. May took a picture (without flash) of the teenagers standing in front of the tree. 

Presents were delivered (she'd given Peter a brand new knitted sweater so he didn't miss the jacket she'd stolen from him), hugs were provided, food was shared, and promises of New Year's at times square kept her going. 


Places with big crowds weren't a favorite of hers, but Peter held her hand firmly. It was loud too, a bit too much for her, so he got her noise-canceling headphones. She was also wearing sunglasses, given that the place was surrounded by bright screens.

May and Pietro tagged along, but they'd given them a little bit of space. 

"Are we going to kiss at midnight?" She asked out loud. 

"You want that?"

"I've seen it in movies, I think it's sweet!"

Peter laughed. "I'll kiss you if you want!"

She was usually a bit shy in public, given that they didn't kiss often even in private. The girl was willing to make an exception in special times like this one, though.

"Do you have any new year's resolutions?" She shouted.

Peter tried not to laugh, her headphones didn't allow her to hear properly, so he had to yell too, not that it matter when they were surrounded by a screaming crowd.

"I want to take you on a fancy date sometime, maybe for Valentine's day! It wouldn't hurt to get a job! I can't take you on dates without money, can I?"

"There are lots of things we can do around the city without money!"

"Are they legal?"

"Who do you take me for?" She hit his chest lightly.

"What about you? Got any resolutions?" He put an arm around her.

"I want things to stay exactly as they are," She admitted. "I don't want anything to change."

"Nothing has to change," Peter responded. "I wanna learn how to drive, though."

"It'd be nice to have a license," She pondered. "Yeah, maybe that'll be my resolution too. I'd like to learn how to cook as well, I only know how to make scrambled eggs and sandwiches."

"We'll learn together!"

They continued to list stuff for the year to come, arms tightly wrapped around each other to keep themselves warm.


"New year, new school term," C.C. hit Pietro's shoulders excitedly. "Last half of your senior year! Are you excited?"

"I would be if I had something to look forward to," He rolled his eyes, sipping on his coffee before finishing his sentence. "But after high school, only comes the adulting part. I'll be nineteen this year, I don't wanna grow old! This is my peak!"

"Pietro, I say this as respectfully as possible," She continued. "Men like you usually peak when they're thirty. You have a babyface right now, don't stress."

"I'm not stressed," He corrected. "I have my future secured thanks to Stark, what else can I do but complain as rich people do?"

"Good point," She chuckled. "Hey, do you have loose sheets of paper? I ran out and I forgot to buy more yesterday..."

"I've got some at my desk," He vaguely pointed to his room.

C.C. rummaged through his drawers, and she found a folder with several papers there, although some of them were used. There was one that looked like a copy of a certificate, on it she saw the name "Harley Keener". She took it to the living room.

"Hey, is this something important? If it's like insurance for your bike you shouldn't leave it in a random folder..."

"What?" He read it quickly. "Ah, when Tony moved out they took a bunch of papers back to the compound and I asked if I could use them, you know, to recycle and stuff. Tony gave me a whole box of stuff. It says it's for a Harley Keener, some kind of donation... perhaps it's a bike Tony bought when he was younger?"

"Yeah, maybe," She stared at the paper and shrugged. "Can I use it?"

"It's all yours."

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