Chapter 27

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After I got ready, he drove us to school. Once we got there, we noticed a lot of people in sundresses and sandals. I looked down at my outfit, observing my skinny jeans, t-shirt, and converse. Brandon chuckled as I started laughing.

“I should probably go shopping sometime,” I figured, gripping onto my tote bag. He smiled as a response, opening the school entrance doors for me. I grinned at him as a ‘thank you’ and walked inside, followed by him. After we made a short stop to my locker, we departed ways. I walked to my first class, math, and everyone stared at me. I could slowly feel sixty eyes bore into my body everywhere, and I sat down, whispers started flooding the rooms.

The teacher hadn’t made it to class yet, since I figured you’d get in trouble for talking. I looked around awkwardly, seeing people glance at me and exchange a whisper to the person beside them. My back stiffened, tensing up. It’s too bad I have no friends who go here. When Mr. Shaw walked in, he sat at his desk.

“You know the daily procedure of this class, start the morning assignment. You may work with a partner or two.” He demanded sternly, logging onto his personal laptop. I looked around as everyone got up to go to their friends, and I sat there. I sighed and took out a pencil and a sheet of notebook paper, working alone.

After that, we took notes on rational exponents, and I seemed to be the only catching onto it quite fast, right after he explained it, everyone else seemed lost and confused. But see, I was good at math. I was good in all of my classes, but lord knows that I am no competition in gym. Like I said before, I loved art, it relieved me sometimes, although it seems like I haven’t had the time in the world to do it anymore.

After that class, I strolled into science, being the first person to. I smiled at this, relieved at not having to face a bunch of people, being the late one. I sat down in my original seat. “Hmm, Good Morning, Heather,” Ms. Simmons chirped, “I haven’t seen you forever at it seems.” She figured, giving me a weird stare. I smiled as a response, fiddling with my fingers. “I heard what Michael Wean did. Are you okay?” She asked, and from that moment, I knew she was going to be bugging me with questions until class officially starts.

I shrugged in reply, running my fingers through my hair shortly after. After science, then came break. I went to my locker to get items for my next few classes, slamming it shut to see Brandon and some girl coming my way. I curled my eyebrows upwards, curious of her, observing her noticeably.

When the three of us stood face to face, I smiled, trying to be polite. “Hey, you’re Heather, right? I’m Erica.” She introduced. I scrutinized her. Regular skin, Blue eyes, blond hair.

“Um, yeah.” I looked at Brandon weirdly as I extended my hand to her so she could shake it. She narrowed her eyes when she examined my knuckles.

“Um, ew.” She mumbled in disgust, cocking an eyebrow. I snatched my hands away from her awkwardly, and Brandon gave Erica a ‘don’t be rude’ look. She went from a frown to a smile again, “Um, sorry. I’m just not used to…seeing something unusual like that. What happened?” She questioned out of curiosity.

“I play quarters. Well, used to. It’s a long story.” I frowned as I closed my locker and gripped onto my tote afterwards.

“Well, anyhow, I came to personally invite you to eat lunch with us. Brandon says you’re really cool and so, any friend of Brandon’s is a friend of mine.” She figured. I smiled as a response, realizing that she seems like the boogie type, the one who craves for everything to be elite. “You’re a junior, right?” She asked, raising an eyebrow.

I shook my head from side to side, kind of hanging it down, “Sophomore.” I answered.

“Oh. Hmm…we can still make this work.” She winked and exchanged a glance at Brandon, “Oh my Bieber! I have to get going. I have a very big book talk speech in four minutes and I got to be there. Later.” She concluded, walking away without another word. I examined her as she was finally out of eyesight, and then I gave Brandon a look.

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