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They argued, cussed each other out, and sat down to drink a pint after.

The men's personalities were planets apart.

Suppose someone translated their traits into teen fiction. Micheal would be the student Council president and Lee the cynical jock.

"So she said yes?"

"Yep," Lee replied and took a sip of his beer.

"I heard Olaf got her hired."

Lee deposited his pint on the counter with a bang, "it's temporary. Sana won't stay there for long."

Micheal nodded; he wondered whether he should let Lee know how delighted Olaf was to have Sana on his team.

"When is she moving in?"

"Next week."

"Are you sure about this, Lee?"

"I blooㅡ, I mean, I asked for it. The back and forths are tiresome for both of us. Lee shrugged, "I just love the woman and want her to be where I am."

"I thought you'd never live with a woman again after Camille. I still see you serving your plundering pussy theory."

Lee smirked, "I had legit reasons to be bitter, and now I have reasons just as legit to rejoice."

"I can see that. You're glowing."

"Yep, Sana suits my tint."

"Wow, always in excess," Micheal said and drank.

Yes, Lee was that type of guy who hated and loved with all his might. His extreme love was something Camile had a hard time living with as she couldn't express such passion. Micheal knew Sana had all of the man's attention; see devotion. For her, Lee would move mountains.

With Sana, a sort of equilibrium installed itself. She loved as much as she received; the sentiment overflowed and made those around them jealous.

"How's Audrey?" Lee asked.

"She has fully recovered, she's gorgeous, and we're still sleeping in separate rooms."

"What did you expect, Micheal? You cheated on your wife, who was on chemotherapy. I'm surprised she didn't kill you, chop you to bits and use your balls to play golf."

"Well, it would have almost been a relief. This treatment is far worse, Audrey said she forgave me, but she won't even let me touch her."

Lee slid his pint from one hand to the other and leaned back, "I doubt your mistress is the only issue. Audrey has to renew with herself. Her body has been through a lot in the past two years. I mean, your wife almost met saint paul, and you want her to be your Barbarella. Audrey needs time to feel like herself again. You must accept she isn't the same and learn to love who your wife is now."

"I know," Micheal paused to reflect a second, "it's just I'm afraid the new Audrey won't love me anymore. It's been months since the whole thing affair up, I thought she'dㅡactually, I don't know."

"Don't overthink it, don't look sideways at the first protein shook buttocks. Keep your dick zipped up, tucked in your boxers, and everything will be fine."

Lee understood the turmoil Micheal was in but didn't empathize. Micheal brought the predicament upon himself, and Lee sided with Audrey.

The woman confided in him, "I still love him, Lee, but it's complicated. I know he thought I was dying, but somehow I imagined Micheal loved me enough to wait. I wanted my husband to hope I would live and that he would have the patience and decency to wait for a miracle."

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