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Lee tried not to ask Sana if she thought of his request, but he expected Sana to ask questions relating to the move. The woman didn't; thus, Lee lived a week in total turmoil where he had no clue about her thoughts.

His heart hadn't skipped as many beats as then. Yes, falling for Sana was the unexpected electroshock that revived his soul from the dead. Now it pumped full regime for her, but the organ could fail him for the same reason.

It was difficult keeping a lid on an emotion that just wished to rampage through everything on its passage.

They had their usual Visio calls. Lee got a glimpse of her multiple Undies pajama range.

Each outfit had its implicit intention.

Disney Princesses and cartoon characters were for when she was in a good mood. Luckily for Lee, he saw them on most days.

The bad time of the month had its all-black Star Wars Darth Vader theme. As the days passed, Lee would see R2D2 or recently baby Yoda, which meant she was at the end of the ketchup war that month.

Taking off Sana's pajamas was like unwrapping a gift where lace, polka dots, and hearts burst into his eyes sight.

Lee was observant of Sana just as she was of him. Their relationship wasn't a year old, and they were still in that apprenticeship phase where they learned what made each other tick positively and the stuff that ticked them off.

In love, Lee didn't want Sana out of his eyes sight.

How he wished to see Sanas' pajamas every day, the man thought as he prepared the salmon toast for their new years' dinner. Lee liked to cook; the activity appeased him.

Cooking had helped him during his divorce. Back then, the man imagined how he could get rid of the two women who destroyed his life. The man would slap and beat pizza dough like a punching bag and feel relievedㅡthe sound of the blender, which usually annoyed, nibbled the humming of murderous intentions.

Lee smiled as he told Micheal he would not rewrite a single scene. The disastrous period was almost a necessary stage. Now Lee cooked with the only intent to motivate a smile and a compliment from Sana like a puppy wagging his tail.

The doorbell rang, and lee wondered why? He wasn't expecting anyone. He still had an hour before going to Kings Cross to pick Sana up and wished everything perfect.

The dring sound got on his nerve, but he preferred to make the person wait as he popped the toasts in the fridge. Finally, he went to the door.

"Oy, stop with that shi-," Lee blinked in dismay as he swung the door open to reveal the visitor, "Sana, what are you doing here?"

"Aren't you happy to see me?"

"Yes, I'm justㅡ," the man remembered they stood on his doorstep, "come in. What happened? I still have an hour to go in my mind," Lee said. Did he forget at what time she was supposed to arrive? Gosh, Lee, don't get forgetful now that the man. No, it wasn't the moment to do things that could sway Sana's opinion about moving in with him.

Not picking her up wasn't a criminal offense, but Lee was part of the be constant lot. He always picked her up, and Lee didn't want Sana to think he got lazy now the relationship had settled.

"I didn't want to waste a moment. I booked a flight earlier this week," Sana said as she took off her shoes. She stood up and tilted her head to the side, "Lee, you don't seem happy."

She was eager to see him. The woman evicted all thoughts making the man her only question. Lee spent a week comfortably occupying every one of Sana's pondering stances. Should she or should she not move in with him?

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