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Greetings children of all ages (✿^^)

Happy belated new year! I hope that this year isn't as chaotic and upsetting as last year (´ . .̫ . ')

This is not an update unfortunately (๑´•.̫ • '๑)

But before I post my actual announcement I just want to say something 〜(꒪꒳꒪)〜

But before I post my actual announcement I just want to say something 〜(꒪꒳꒪)〜

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ow the fuck??

Ive been gone for nearly 2 weeks (i think?) And I nearly have 1.5k reads \(◎o◎)/

Thank you all so much ლ(^o^ლ)

I've also not been on wattpad much (reading and writing) and I've missed many updates on stories I am currently reading (༎ຶ ෴ ༎ຶ)

But about 2 days ago I checked wattpad and huehue ( ͡°ᴥ ͡° )

But about 2 days ago I checked wattpad and huehue ( ͡°ᴥ ͡° )

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got 69 notifications-


I know my humour is broken (ب_ب)

Anyway- back to the real announcement \(ϋ)/♩

I have many ideas on what the next story should be (nearly 30 story ideas) (・∀・) but my indesicive ass can't choose which one ( ⚈̥̥̥̥̥́⌢⚈̥̥̥̥̥̀)

Sooo I'll let my wonderful readers decide! (*´ω`*)

Also! If a story from the list below is underlined it just means I'm not too sure if I want to do this one at the moment. Doesn't mean you're not allowed to pick it. It just means there's an opportunity for you to change my mind!

And also! (I know, I'm adding so many things. Terribly sorry) some of the stories, I haven't decided if I want a ship or a harem. Since you don't know what's happening in the stories, this will be a random guess on what you want!

-Pick whether you want a ship or harem in the stories that I haven't decided on (if you want to, of course)

Here are the options (by the way, there are no descriptions apart from the ship and/or harem. And maybe the title):

The 3 Stages Of Love (bakudeku)

Skin As White As Snow (haven't decided if I want a specific ship or harem. Haikyuu)

*I'm not going to mention the title* (tanahina)

He (tsukihina or bakudeku)

Messy Love (love triangle in haikyuu. Not saying who's involved and what type of love triangle)

*Not going to mention title because it's basically a spoiler* (hinata harem most likely. 4 main characters. A crossover)

I Hate Liars (might change title. Haven't thought of a ship but most likely kirideku. MHA)

Lies and Deception (might change title. Tsukihina)

H Is For Heartbeat. T Is For Taunt (tsukihina. They are two separate books which will most likely take the longest)

Gentle (haikyuu. I don't know if I want a specific ship or harem. Will most likely be the shortest book out of all of the options)

So those are all of them! (ㆁωㆁ) Just comment on the one/s you want or are interested in!

And the harems and ships will all revolve around Hinata Shoyo (Haikyuu) and Midoriya Izuku (MHA)

I will start the book most likely during dyspitía. I don't know when but dyspitía is my top priority as of now.

If you guys pick a shorter book then my priorities might switch ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

If it's a longer book then dyspitía will obviously be my top priority and the new book will take longer to be out.

Also! Regarding of pronouns. I know you guys don't usually use pronouns when commenting but there are some names (eg: girlie, girl, bro, etc)

I use she/her pronouns and are currently experimenting with they/them. I do NOT use any other pronouns and I don't enjoy being called by different pronouns, mainly because it isn't who I am and it's just disrespecting my identity.

You can call me by they/them pronouns since it's helping me trying to discover my gender identity since I'm currently having a crisis (๑•﹏•) but as of now, I am a cis-girl.

I don't mind being called girl/gurl or whatever. I also don't mind being called bro or dude because it's just a nickname for me and I use it all the time (✿^^)

Thank you all so much and let's (try to) enjoy 2022! See you in the next update! (whenever that is)

♡(> ਊ <)♡

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