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DISCLAIMER: This story contains:

Boy x Boy

Girl x Girl

Swear words

OOC Hinata

Many flaws

This is my first story, so please expect many mistakes in this book. However, I am open to any suggestions and/or feedback if written nicely. I am also an Australian, so I will spell words differently than how you may spell things (e.g., colourful, aluminium, etc.) Please enjoy.

There's a story behind every person. There's a reason they are the way they are. They aren't just like that because they want to be. Something in the past created them. And sometimes... it's impossible to fix.

No-one's POV

"Welcome to Japan". A crowded airport is where the story begins, specifically in the Tohoku Region of Japan. And one particular teenage boy is walking through the busy building.

Hinata Shoyo is his name. Bright orange hair slowly bouncing up and down with each step, a rested face with dull eyes, pale-skinned and a black face mask on the 15-year-old boy. There may be many things that people can disagree with, but something that everyone can agree on is that Hinata is a beauty. So many people, strangers or not, would look at Hinata in awe. Whether it'd be jealousy or admiration. Sure, he isn't declared to be the most attractive person on Earth, but he for sure is eye candy.

Despite the loud noises surrounding the apricot-haired male, Hinata can only focus on the music playing through his headphones. Hinata never liked loud noises. He wasn't necessarily afraid of them but more irritated whenever a blaring sound was heard.

Strolling out of the airport, Hinata takes a taxi to drive him to his final destination, Miyagi Prefecture. During the ride, Hinata was grateful that the man didn't speak to him. That's one of his biggest pet peeves, the driver talking to the passenger without reason. It may be acceptable to others, but for Hinata, he hated it. It will end up being awkward, and he didn't like talking to strangers very much, but he would feel bad if it was an elderly person, so he would have to endure it. Thankfully for Hinata, the driver wasn't speaking, nor was he that old, probably in his early twenties if Hinata had to guess, so he could easily kindly deny if a conversation does strike up.

It took a while to get to the house. The airport to where Hinata will live took approximately 4.5 hours by taxi. Then, thanking the taxi driver Hinata was off. Standing in front of the average-sized house, Hinata took a while to admire it. It isn't anything too out of the ordinary, but it still looks impressive.

Finally, setting foot in the house, Hinata put his suitcases in the living room. Hinata went to look around so he could be more familiar with the place. He needed to remember the rooms and know which empty space would be filled with what.

Hinata's POV

"Auntie did a good job in finding a place", I thought while looking around. There were many rooms in the house. One for my room, library, storage room, master bedroom, study room and the 'tea room'. There were also, of course, the bathrooms, living room, kitchen and dining room.

My auntie, or my father's sister, is very kind. She has a small business, so she was able to provide me with this home. Luckily Japanese yen is much cheaper than an Australian dollar, so it wasn't too bad. Auntie insisted on giving me a large sum of money, but I refused and told her I already had enough money to last me two weeks before getting a part-time job. After some persuading, she finally gave up. Thankfully.

I went back downstairs and looked at my luggage. "Better do it now before I forget", I muttered. I started unpacking. I'm not one to procrastinate, which usually is said to be surprising by many people. But, I understand why people procrastinate.

It must be difficult for people who do things last minute and start panicking. I did that once, and never will I ever make that mistake again. It's incredibly relieving for me to start doing all the hard work early, physically or mentally and finally finish. Taking a long break after the task and not worrying about anything until the next 'mission' comes.


Hinata's POV

Only one more room to go. And that is... the tea room. Well, that's what I call it. It's more of a place to remember my deceased family, as a way to show respect and not feel too lonely. I don't mind being alone. In fact, it's what I would usually prefer. But sometimes, it feels nice talking to someone once in a while, though I don't really speak to anyone any more thanks to a series of unfortunate events.

The main reason why I call it the tea room is to drink, well, tea. Although I prefer coffee, tea is still very relaxing and much healthier than coffee. The tea room has a window perfectly placed, so sometimes when the sun is going through the window, it should hit where the miniature shrines are placed.

It has a small wooden table set in the middle of the room with pillows on the floor surrounding each edge. There's also a kotatsu inside the wardrobe just in case it gets cold during Winter.

After many hours from arriving at the house, I have finally finished. There are still some other things that need to be bought, but for now, I'm done. I looked out the window, and it was dark outside. The celestial moon is glowing and accompanied by many pretty stars.

It's quiet. Something I'm used to for a while, but somehow it feels strange, in a good way. Most likely because of my change of location, especially in a foreign country, but I never expected it to feel so different.

Maybe Japan won't be as bad as I thought.

I hope this was good for my prologue 😅 I've never written a book before, so apologies if there are any mistakes.

I'm also terrible at English (at least the subject) despite it being my first language 💀 So if any grammar and/or punctuation errors occur, sorry for that too 😔

I will most likely update every Saturday or Sunday and maybe Tuesday (Sydney, Australia time). I only posted today (Friday) since I was bored and decided to start a book.

Unfortunately, I am busy on the upcoming Saturday and possibly Sunday, so if I am unable to post an update then, then hopefully, I will be able to post on Tuesday 😬🤞

Thank you for reading, and I hope you enjoyed it! 🤩

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