20: It's not just any jacket, it's leather

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“You know, when you said we would be shopping for weapons, I was thinking more of underground gun dealers and definitely not the mall.”

I betrayed a chortle at that. “Hawk, do you know your problem?”

“Which of them? Is it the one where I wake up in the middle of the night only to whack myself in the head because I remembered something dumb I said in elementary school? Or is it the one where I belt out the full theme song of 'Sofia the First' in the shower? Or the one where I still wear my Scooby Doo pajamas from when I was 14?”

“So, I guess it's ‘problems’ then,” I mused between chuckles.

“Yeah,” he affirmed lightly, chuckling alongside me.

“Well, the one I'm talking about now is your dress sense. You might not be a Zac Efron, but you're not exactly bad either. But your dress sense? Well,” I drawled, eyeing him down. “Let's just say it could do with some modifications.”

He fake gasped. “What's wrong with my dress sense?”

“You're wearing a pink shirt two sizes too big which reads: ‘my daddy is my superman,'” I deadpanned.

“Ok, I might be seeing the problem here,” he quipped, leaving me smiling at his antics.

“So, here's the thing: if you want to win over a girl like Ria, you need to step up your game. You need to impress her.”

He gave a small nod, seemingly agreeing with what I was saying. And that was my cue to continue. “And girls usually get attracted to guys with a cool fashion sense.”

“Oh, then that's not a problem. Superman is one of the coolest guys ever,” he sallied. But in the face of my mock glare, he made a show of zipping his mouth.

Satisfied, I went on. “Now, just picture this: between a guy dressed in a sexy devil costume, and a guy dressed in a teletubby costume, which do you think a girl would choose?”

He chuckled, throwing me a duh expression as though saying, ‘girl, the answer's obvious.’

Phew! He finally got it.

“Definitely teletubby. That show totally rocked – and the yellow teletubby was always my favorite.”

And I spoke too soon.

“Hawk,” I gritted. “Of course she won't choose the teletubby guy. Girls like guys who have a mix of sexiness to them – they find it attractive. The way a guy dresses gives girls an idea of if he's a dork, if he's cool, or just plain ass boring. And trust me, everyone wants a cool guy,” I reasoned, staring meaningfully at him for added effect.

And hoping to convince him once and for all, I added, “even Ria.”

“Really?” He asked, eyes shining at the mention of Ria's name. I simply nodded, biting back a smile.

“That makes sense,” he mused.

“Of course it does!”

“Cool, huh?” He suddenly snapped his fingers in the manner of one who just received a brilliant revelation. “I got it. Come on, B.” I didn’t even get a chance to respond before he was grabbing my hand and leading me upstairs.

Uh oh!

Why did I have a feeling that even though he said he got it, he actually didn't. With Hawk, I wouldn't be surprised if that was the case.

I guessed I'd have to wait and see what Hawk Gary Moose was up to now.



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