Zoo Date

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Just to avoid confusion I named Bennett's dads Steven and Logan. No real reason why just thought I should give them names.


Bennett excitedly knocked on the door to the Minci household. Today was the day he and Razor went to the zoo. They had planned everything himself, the transport, the timetable, the route through the park, possible shows, food, everything. He was so looking forward to it he'd barely slept.

And by the slightly darker eyebags on Razor, it seemed they had barely slept as well.

"Right you kids have fun, and Razor sweetie I left an emergency phone in your bag just in case yours runs out as well as a copy of my number, mama's number, Steven's number and Logan's number. Oh and your aunt's number. Just in case." Jean said.

"Jean dear they'll be fine. Be good now Razor, we'll see you tonight." Lisa said, pressing a kiss to Razor's head.

"Bye mama, bye mother." Razor said and went with Bennett to get into his dad's car.

"Hey Razor, you excited?" Steven asked once everyone had gotten strapped in.

They grinned and nodded enthusiastically.

"Bennett has not stopped talking about this trip for a week. I'm glad you're both as excited as each other." Logan said.

"Yeah Razor this will be so cool!" Bennett exclaimed.

The trip to the zoo didn't take too long and it felt like in a flash they had arrived. Bennett and Razor excitedly handed their tickets over and entered the park.

"Right kids, Steven and I will leave you two to it. If there are any problems call us and we'll come find you." Logan said.

"Ok dad, we'll see you later." Bennett replied before excitedly dragging Razor over to the first enclosure.

Once they were out of ear shot, Razor spoke.

"Hey." They simply said.

"Hehe hey Razor. Is everything alright, you were really quiet in the car." Bennett asked.

"Get nervous sometimes. Sorry."

"No it's alright buddy. You don't have anything to apologise for."

Razor smiled before returning their gaze to the animal in front of them.

They followed the route Bennett had planned and were currently in the sealion tunnel, the last stop before lunch.  

Bennett knew he should be paying attention to the animals but they couldn't help but look at Razor. Every time one of the sealions swam over their heads, they're face would light up in awe. 

Razor turned to face him and smiled. Bennett smiled back and they exited the tunnel.

"Are you having fun so far Razor?" He asked.

"Yes. Thank you Benny." Razor replied.

"Well it's time for lunch. I know they have a restaurant but they also have a few smaller places if you'd rather not be in a crowded space. I actually wrote down a list of all the food options down on my phone hang on." 

Bennett pulled out their phone and handed it over. Razor scrolled for a bit, sticking their tongue out slightly as they thought. 

"Let's get... hot dogs." They decided and handed the phone back.

"Sure thing. Let's go."

They found the hot dog place and Bennett paid for them before they headed to a more quiet area to eat.

"So next spot on our tour is the lions and then we'll follow round that route until we reach the wolves. I thought I'd save best for last." Bennett said.

Razor smiled at the mention of their favourite animal before pulling something out of their bag.

"Hey you bought the wolf I got for you. Did you name them in the end?" Bennett asked.

"Razor pick Andrius." They said enthusiastically.

"Cool. You finished eating?" 

The pair began the second part of their trip. The closer they got to the wolves, the more excited Razor got. 

"Wolves now?" They asked, clutching Andrius tight.

"Yeah, come on buddy. They should just be around the corner." 

Razor stood in awe as they stood in front of the wolf enclosure. Bennett helped them get up to the front of the crowd so they could get up close. One walked right up to the glass; Razor smiled and waved Andrius' little paw at them.

Bennett just looked at Razor and smiled. Seeing them happy made him happy. And they were about to get a whole lot happier. 

"What if I told you I could get you closer to them." Bennett said.

Razor tilted their head to the side in confusion.

"You know I said I had an extra surprise planned? Well I may have made this the last destination for a reason."

Over the intercom a woman spoke.

"Could all participants of the wolf feeding please report to red gate beside the enclosure in the next five minutes. Thank you."

Razor froze.

"We... we feed wolves?" 

"Yeah buddy! Merry Christmas Razor! Is that a good surprise?" Bennett said.

Razor struggled to talk in normal circumstances but when they were feeling certain strong emotions, they found it even harder to get the right words out. They fumbled with their words for a few seconds before closing their mouth and in the moment acted out the only other way they could think of to express their thanks.

So they grabbed Bennett by his top and crashed their lips together.

Bennett short circuited and just stood in shock.

Razor pulled away and smiled.

"Wow you're definitely excited." Bennett chuckled.

They walked towards the red gate and somewhere along the short journey, their hands intertwined. 

Not until the absolute last second when they were getting ready did they let go.

Razor let out squeaks of joy when the wolves bounded over for the food and when they ate the meat they'd thrown they squealed even louder.

Bennett almost had to drag them out when their time was over.

"I'm guessing you enjoyed that. You were squealing the whole time buddy." Bennett said.

Razor stopped and let go of his hand.

"Buddy?" They asked.

"Well uh."

"Razor kiss you... on lips. Thought was clear I like you." 

Bennett blushed brightly.

"Sorry I guess it just slipped out. It was clear and I like you too. A lot. I have for ages now. You're really pretty." He said.

Razor smiled and kissed Bennett on the cheek.

"You cute." They said.

Bennett blushed brighter and they began the journey back to Bennett's dads again.

Before they left to drop Razor back home they went through the gift shop, Bennett apparently finding their partner so adorable when looking at the stuffed animals that he bought Razor another two wolves for their collection.


I got to admit I kinda rushed the previous two chapter because I've been excited to write this ever since I published part 2 of Christmas gifts.

I know I should also talk about other side characters, and I will properly introduce some more in the next few chapters, but I'm very biased to these two. I love them both so much and especially love to project onto them so.

But yeah next few chapters might get a bit angsty, you have been warned.

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