A peaceful night at home

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"Ah Albedo you're back. Klee went upstairs early. I'm not sure if she went to bed or not but we will have some peace for a while." Kaeya spoke from his spot on the couch.

Albedo just nodded and hung up their things.

"Are you alright dear?" He asked confused as the blonde approached him.

Albedo just sat down in Kaeya's lap and pulled him into a hug, ignoring the pet name.

Kaeya hugged back immediately, holding Albedo close and stroking their hair.

"Prince what's wrong? You sounded nervous on the phone and you had to stay at work late. What happened?" He asked.

Albedo breathed in before speaking.

"A student in my class was getting bullied and was getting called slurs by his fellow students. I then found out it's not the first time. I'm just a little overwhelmed by all the stories they told me. Reminds me of when I was in school."

Kaeya smiled and lifted Albedo's chin so they would face him.

"Prince I'm sure you did everything you could right?"

Albedo nodded.

"And you're going to make sure something happens about it?"

Another nod.

"Then relax. Worrying about it all night is not going to help at all now is it?" Kaeya said, taking albedo's hands in his.

Albedo shook his head.

"Right now let's get you to chill out a bit. Would you like to read a book? Or perhaps take a bath? I could put on a movie you like." Kaeya suggested multiple options.

"A movie sounds nice." They replied.

So they sat down next to each other watching Big Hero 6. At first they just sat next to each other but eventually ended up snuggling, Kaeya's arm around Albedo. 

As the movie ended Albedo smirked and looked up at Kaeya.

"So dear and prince huh?" They asked.

Kaeya blushed.

"Well I said dear because you seemed sad and you're very dear to me Albedo. As for prince you are aware that your last name means chalk prince right? I'm simply using part of your surname as a nickname." He explained, mentally cursing himself for the prolonged explanation.

Albedo smiled.

"I see. Well are you getting hungry?" He asked.

"I am yes. I made Klee something when she came in so she's already eaten." 

Albedo stood up.

"I'll make us something to eat then. I'm not sure what I've got in the house but I'm sure that there's something." He said.

"Woah what are you doing? I'm cheering you up so I'll be making the dinner. Sit back down. It will be finished soon."

Albedo sat back down on the couch and checked his phone whilst he waited. Luckily he hadn't gotten any emails from students or fellow teachers that night so he could spend it in peace. 

"All done Prince." Kaeya said as he walked back into the room. He placed the two dishes on the table and pulled Albedo's chair out for him 

Albedo sat down, picked up his fork and looked down.

"Sunshine sprat?" They asked.

"Mhm, is something wrong with that choice? I can make you something else if yes."

"No it's just, this is my favourite dish. How did you know?" 

"Lucky guess." Kaeya replied.

They ate their meals, chatting about Kaeya's day and any new updates to their lives. Albedo was very happy. Spending time with Kaeya was one of his new favourite things in the world.

Once they had finished, Kaeya washed up and returned to the living room to see Albedo reading a book with some classical music on in the background. He smiled at the way the blonde hummed along to the tune. He recognised the song as well, he'd once danced to it at one of his old ballroom dance classes. 

Albedo was disturbed from his book by a hand being outstretched towards him.

"I see you enjoy this tune as well. Care to dance?" Kaeya asked.

Albedo blushed and took his hand, nodding slight before he was pulled in, Kaeya's hand guiding his to where they needed to rest. They glided around the room, a little messy at first since Albedo was never really one to dance but he soon got the hang of it. The music felt almost silent, only focusing on each other in that moment. 

On the last few notes, Kaeya effortlessly picked up Albedo into a lift before bringing him into a dip. They looked at each other for a few seconds, out of breathe, before Albedo was bought back up to his feet.

They were close to each other again. If either of them had any full idea pf their feelings towards the other this moment surely would have ended with a kiss. 

And yet Kaeya just removed his grip from Albedo. They sat back down on the couch and put on a random nature documentary, the romance of a few minutes ago simply going unnoticed.


Hello, I usually prefer not to add ANs to the end of this book but I had a question to ask. If I were to have a few chapters in here just focusing on side characters and their lives would that be something you guys would be interested in? I'm simply asking because I thought maybe looking at some side characters and perhaps exploring elements of their lives or for example Albedo's students were to see him out with Kaeya that that might be beneficial the the story but of course if you guys would not like that I shall simply try to include similar concepts in my usual format.

Thank you, 


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