Albedo's Breaking Point

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Also I would just like to thank you for the comments you leave. I was having a bad start to my day today and seeing all of your funny comments made me smile.


"Xiao, Xiao said that?" 

"Apparently. Are you ok? I know that's a lot of information to process." 

Albedo was shocked and devastated. It felt like a part of himself shattered. They really only thought of him as that event? Nothing else? 

"Yeah, I'm alright." 

But he didn't want Kaeya to worry so lying was probably the best option.

"Are you sure? It's alright to be upset. It's understandable." Kaeya asked, a little worried.

Albedo just nodded as Klee walked in.

"Daddy. Why are you out here?" She asked. 

Albedo smiled and picked her up.

"No reason. Have you gotten all your things together? Mummy should be here in a few minutes to pick you up." He said.

Klee nodded and Albedo kissed her on the cheek.

"Good, how about we watch cartoons until she's here?" 

So they put on the tv and sat with her until the doorbell rang. Albedo helped Klee get her bags and handed them over to Sucrose.

"Thank you Albedo. Should I drop her back around the same time next week?" She asked.

"Yes that would be great. Thank you Sucrose. Bye Klee! I'll miss you princess." 

He gave Klee one last hug before she got into her mum's car and drove off. They went back inside and sat down on the sofa next to Kaeya. They were watching the tv in silence before a few sobs could be heard. 


Kaeya turned to face his friend who currently was bawling his eyes out.

"Aww prince no, come here. Is this about what Xiao and Diluc said?" He asked.

Albedo nodded and felt a pair of arms go around him.

"I just have worked so hard to put the incident behind me. I've built up a decent relationship with sucrose again, I'm working hard at my job and I'm being the best dad I can for Klee." Albedo said between sobs. 

Kaeya rubbed circles into his back as Albedo tried to steady his breathing, failing as he began to talk again.

"I thought that I'd finally gotten rid of it. The rumours, the gossip, the side eyes, everything. But it's been three fucking years and even my friends can't let it go."

Albedo inhaled sharply again as his sobs grew louder.

"Is that all I'm known as? Is that all anyone sees me as? The guy who had a kid with his best friend after getting drunk at a party?"


"I've worked my ass off to get to where I am. It's only been three years but I started off financially unstable, jobless and almost without a home. Now I am very stable, have a great job and am able to provide a good living environment for my daughter.


"But apparently that work was all for nothing. Apparently that hatred I feel for myself because of it is felt by everyone else too. Is this really all I'm gonna be? Is this really all everyone is going to view me as? Is this all my friends view me as?"


"What? mpf" 

He was cut off.

By Kaeya.

Kaeya's lips to be precise.

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