Dinner Date

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After the luck with making a new friend, Albedo decided to reconnect with an old one. So he text Venti and asked if they were free at any point. They were a little surprised to get a reply back so soon but after a few minutes he got the reply back saying they should meet up for dinner one night.

So here he was, out for dinner with a friend. He hadn't done this in a while. The only friend he really spent time with was Kaeya. Not that he had a problem with that, he would happily spend every minute with Kaeya if he was able to.

"Albedo! Hi!" Venti called out to him as he entered. 

"Hello Venti. It's nice to see you."  They replied.

"I don't think we've talked in person since you came to the cafe. How are you? How's Klee?" 

"Yeah she's doing great and I myself am doing alright. How are you? How's Xiao?"

They caught up with each other, updating each other on their lives and any changes. Albedo mentioned Zhongli and Venti mentioned how he had a new boyfriend. He got a slightly confused expression from the scientist but Venti explained it with a simple "polyamory." and some jazz hands.

Their food arrived and Venti happily sipped on his wine. 

"Are you sure you didn't want any wine Albedo?" She asked

"Oh no, I'm alright with water but thank you." They replied.

If he was being honest, ever since he found out Sucrose was pregnant he'd never touched the stuff. Sure he had the odd bottle in their house but that was more for guests than for themself. But it had been 3 years and it's not like a single glass could hurt right?

So he decided to take a glass. One glass. What was the worst that could happen?

By the time the food was done and Venti's boyfriend was there to pick them up he had about two or three glasses not to mention  Venti was also a whole bottle down.

"Ok lets get you both home." His boyfriend said, having to help Venti into the car before driving Albedo back to his.

From his spot in the back seat, Albedo was just observing the driver. He seemed to be quite tall and quite muscular. At least from what they could see. His hair was pulled into a ponytail, relatively long and slightly curly. However, due to the lack of light in the car it was hard to tell the colour of it.

They arrived outside of Albedo's house and he knocked on the door.

Kaeya opened it with a smile.

"Hey Prince, I was beginning to wonder where you were." He said happily.

He helped Albedo up the slight step into the house and went to thank the man who drove him home.

But before he could, said man spoke.

"Kaeya?" He asked.

Kaeya was confused. He recognised that voice.  He turned to fully face the man in front of him.


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