Married Life

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"So, darling husband, are we splitting the bill?" Kaeya joked.

"I'm so sorry Kaeya I have no idea why they got that assumption." Albedo replied.

Klee jumped up out of her seat.

"I know why!" She exclaimed. 

Kaeya turned his attention back to her.

"Oh? You do? Well I'm intrigued to  hear this?" He asked her before giving a teasing smirk at his friend.

Albedo rolled simply rolled his eyes in response.

"Klee thinks it's because you act like you're together. You hold hands. It's like I have two daddy's." She explained. 

The two adults were stunned.

"We do not act like a couple." Albedo said.

"Yeah we don't go on dates or kiss or anything." Kaeya added.

It was pointless them saying this to Klee however. In her mind she was already imagining their wedding.

Albedo payed for the food and the group left to go back to their house. Klee was especially energetic that day and honestly Albedo was glad Kaeya had agreed to come round just so he didn't have it all used up on him.

"Let's play makeovers!" Klee shouted.

"Indoor voice please princess." Albedo said.

"Let's play makeovers." She repeated in a quieter voice.

"I can't since I have to go make dinner but I'm sure Kaeya would love to." They said, giving Kaeya a little smirk.

Kaeya rolled his eyes at him and followed Klee up to her room.

"Wow isn't it pretty." He said.

It had white walls with a shimmery red accent wall where her bed was. A lot of toys were spread across the floor except for one neatly placed on her bed. There was a wardrobe and a chest of drawers with a sign saying "Klee's treasure."

She went over to this drawer and pulled out multiple makeup kits for kids. Klee sat Kaeya down on the floor and began to carefully paint blue and purple eyeshadow and stickers across his face. She followed his up with a few matching hairclips.

"Done!" She said and handed him a mirror.

"Aww Klee I love it thank you. How about we go show your amazing work to your daddy?" He suggested.

Klee excitedly grabbed his hand and dragged him towards the kitchen.

"Daddy, daddy, look!" 

Albedo turned around and smiled.

"He looks amazing princess! You did a great job!"

They all ate together before Klee went to bed. 

"She should sleep well tonight." Albedo said as he returned to the room.

"Yeah we managed to tire her out pretty well." Kaeya replied.

Albedo sat down next to Kaeya.

"I'm sorry for making you have to play with her. I'm just really tired." They said.

"Aw no it's ok Prince. I love playing with her. Besides, you've had a really stressful week or two. You deserve to have a break." Kaeya said.

The scientist thanked him before letting out a yawn.

"Sleep. You need some rest." Kaeya said, pulling Albedo close.

They closed their eyes and he snuggled into his friends chest, quickly falling asleep. Kaeya followed not long after.

The next morning, Klee found them still sleeping on the couch. 

"I wonder if daddy will take Mr Kaeya's last name?" she thought.


Another quick chapter before I introduce some new characters. Can you guys guess who it's gonna be? 

Hint: They're going to be a history teacher

That will probably come out this week. I'm getting a lot of inspiration this week.

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