Bennett's day out

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After a very stressful last few days at school trying to deal with the bullying, Bennett could not be happier to have a week off school. He had originally intended to spend most of it alone but after being invited by Razor to go out to eat and then watch a movie they decided against it. Besides, he always enjoyed spending time with them.

So that Thursday he got into his regular sort of clothes, a colourful ensemble of a skirt, a blouse, stockings, boots and a ton of accessories, they set out to meet Razor at the cafe.

"Benny!" Razor shouted and hugged their friend.

"Hey Razor. It's so good to see you." Bennett chuckled and hugged back.

"Ready to eat?" They asked.

Bennett nodded and so they entered the cafe.

After ordering, Bennett quickly went to the toilet. On his return they noticed someone familiar.

"Hey Razor is that Mr Kreideprinz?" He asked, pointing to the blonde who had just walked in.

"Does look like him." Razor replied.

So they watched the person in question a bit closer. He was holding onto the hand of a toddler and laughing with a taller man with blue hair.

"Is that his kid? And who's that guy he's with?" Bennett asked again.

"Kid and teacher look alike. Not look like blue man though." Razor responded.

They watched more as they were seated at a table. The blue haired man pulled out their teachers chair, the person in question blushing slightly at the action.

"Maybe that's his husband."

Their food arrived and they did chat but they couldn't help but watch the trio seated not too far from them. Now Bennett knew it was rude to stare but this was just so intriguing.

"They hold hands." Razor said.

Albedo and Kaeya had in fact started holding hands. The action was dropped quickly though as Albedo returned his attention to Klee.

"That probably is his daughter. It's funny, he looks so young you wouldn't think he'd have a daughter." Bennett said as he finished the last of his food.

Razor just nodded and looked at him. They would be lying if they said they weren't a little annoyed. They invited Bennett to hang out to try and cheer them up for the last few days at school but he's spent the whole time focused on their teacher and some random guy.

Razor just huffed and decided to try and draw Bennett's attention away. They shuffled a little closer to him and rested their head on his shoulder.

"Oh Razor are you tired?" He asked.

Razor shook their head and nuzzled in closer.

"No. I cold though. Benny warm."

Bennett blushed and placed an arm around them.

Once their food had gone down they decided to leave for the movie. Because of Bennett's bad luck, he always likes to get there early to prevent any possible disasters.

Yet as they left Bennett felt rude for not saying hello.

"Mr Kreideprinz hi." He said as he turned towards the teachers table.

Razor frowned slightly and just took Bennett's hand in an attempt to drop the hint they wanted to leave.

"Oh hello Bennett, Razor, how lovely to see you two." Albedo replied and smiled.

"Is this your daughter? She's so cute."

"Oh yes this is my daughter Klee."

Kaeya just sat there and observed the two. They were obviously students of Albedo's. In fact, he thought he recognised their names. He got bored after a minute though and started to play with Klee.

Now if you were out and saw a teacher with someone who they were potentially dating you would probably leave them alone about it right?

However Bennett was always one to be a little too confident sometimes.

"Is that your husband?" He asked.

Albedo looked shocked. Razor was slightly horrified with Bennett's bluntness. Kaeya choked on his iced coffee.

"Oh no, he's not my husband. This is my friend Kaeya." They explained.

"Oh I'm so sorry for assuming." He apologised.

"No it's quite alright. It did no harm." Kaeya said.

"We better go." Razor finally spoke.

"Oh yes. It was nice to see you!" Bennett said.

"I'll see you on Monday." Albedo said as the two walked away.

Razor and Bennett made it to the movie on time. They picked some light hearted romance , starting sitting next to each other but ending up cuddling as best they could due to the arm rests of the cinema seats. 

Once it was over, they walked to the bus stop together, Razor had to catch it whilst Bennett's dads were going to pick him up.  They smiled at each other and hugged goodbye before it was Razor's turn to have confidence.

They leaned forward and pressed a kiss to Bennett's cheek as the bus arrived.

"Bye Benny. I see you later." They said and waved as they got onto the bus.

Bennett stood there a little shocked and moved a hand up to his cheek. A small smile sat on his face as they walked to meet their dads.


I was actually going to release this as the next chapter but I thought the sick Kaeya idea was cute, hence why I finished writing it before. 

I might write Albedo and Kaeya's side of the story. Like maybe not the whole day they had but after Bennett has asked if they were married. Let me know what you guys think though.

Anyway, until next time.


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