The First Encounter

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Albedo- He/They  Kaeya- He/Him  Klee-She/Her


"Klee come on be a good girl for me and grab your bag. You don't want to make daddy late for work do you?" Albedo asked Klee as she ran into the room.

"I lost my shoe." She replied .

"You lost your shoe? Come on you get your stuff and I'll find it." albedo said. They rushed around the room frantically trying to find her other shoe.

" I found it. " he said and put it on his daughter before they both got in the car.

Luckily daycare wasn't too far away and they quickly arrived.

"Hello there. Are you here to drop off you daughter?" The receptionist asked.

Albedo nodded.

"Ok, well go through. Kaeya will give you the sign in sheet."

He thanked the lady and walked through the double doors to the right of her. As soon as they entered the room his eyes quickly fixed on a gorgeous man who noticed them and walked up to greet them.

"Who is this little angel?" The man asked.

"Her names Klee. I was told I had to sign her in." Albedo replied .

"Such a lovely name for a lovely little girl. Come on over and I'll give you the sign in sheet." The man said and ushered the two over to a little table in the front corner of the room.

Albedo noticed the hoards of toddlers and the fact the man appeared to be the only worker there.

"Are you the only one working today? It has got to be tough with all these kids." They asked as they filled in the form.

"Oh yeah it's usually just me on Mondays. I love it though. Get to spend time with all these troublemakers." He said with a chuckle. Albedo couldn't tell if he was being sarcastic or not.

"I'm Kaeya by the way." Kaeya introduced himself.

" I'm Albedo. Sorry I would love to stay and chat but I have to get to work. I'll see you later. Klee, be good for Kaeya ok? "

"Bye daddy I'll miss you." Klee said.

" Bye Albedo I'll see you later. " Kaeya said with a smile.

Albedo got in his car and drove to work, Kaeya crossing their mind a couple of times.

"Sorry I'm late. A student was asking me questions after class. I hope I'm not causing any problems." Albedo said as Kaeya walked over to him.

"No worries, you're definitely not the latest a parent has been. You're a teacher?" Kaeya said.

" Yes I teach Chemistry at the high school nearby. It's a nice job but it keeps me away from Klee. She has a hard time having to move between mine and her mother's house so I don't really want to make it harder for her by me never being around. "

The two stood in silence for a second.

"Sorry that was a little too much information for a stranger."

" No need to apologise. I'll go get Klee and her belongings for you. "

"Thank you so much."

A couple of weeks went by and every day had a similar routine. Kaeya and Albedo would chat whilst dropping off and picking up Klee from daycare. They both felt something a little special about each other. Not romance by this point but a connection of some sort. So one Friday Albedo though screw it and decided to go for it.

"Hey Kaeya do you want to get coffee sometime?"

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