A slightly nontypical work day

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Barbara- She/her 


Kaeya tapped his foot impatiently as he sat on a chair in the daycare. It was the same day as his little chat with Albedo at 3am. Ever since he had woken up for work he wasn't sure whether he wanted to see them or if he wanted to crawl into a hole and hide. 

However when Albedo finally walked through the door he felt all his worry leave. Sure he still felt a little nervous but they were acting just like they normally did, most likely a good sign.

Kaeya saw Barbara about to sign Klee in but he shot her a look, letting her know that he wanted to. She looked a little confused but let him go for it.

"Hey Albedo! Did you manage to sleep in the end?" He asked as the other filled in the form.

"I did yes. I think our little talk helped actually. Thank you."

"Really? I thought you would be annoyed I texted you so late."

"Why would I? I wasn't asleep so it didn't bother me at all. Were you able to sleep alright?"

"Yes I did. As soon as it was 4am I instantly fell asleep again."

"Good. Well I'll have to go now I'm afraid. I can't be late for work."

"Bye Albedo."

As soon as Albedo left Barbara approached Kaeya.

"Oooo." She teased.

"No Barbara it is not like that. We're just friends."

"Sure you are. You practically were going to kill me with that stare you shot at me earlier. Why do you want to be so close to him?"

"Barbara this is highly unprofessional of you. If you must know I just like talking to him. He's nice to me. Now can we please drop this?"


Around noon Kaeya told the kids a story before they were given a nap time. Barbara had gone to get lunch with her sister so he was left alone with them for a few hours. He really didn't mind though.

He then felt a tug on his sleeve.

"Klee what are you doing up?" He asked before picking up the girl and sitting her on his lap.

"Not really tired."

"I see." There was a brief pause before Klee spoke again.

"Mr Kaeya did you go on a date with my daddy?" 

Kaeya choked on the air.

"A date? I wouldn't call it that. More of just a casual meetup. Who called it a date? Did he?" He asked.

"No. I heard mummy and daddy talking on Friday night about it and daddy doesn't have many friends. I thought I might get two daddies."

"Well I'm sorry Klee but that won't be happening, at least with me, anytime soon as far as I am aware." 

Klee yawned and rested her head against Kaeya's shoulder.

"Aww that's sad. I'd like it if you were my second daddy."

Klee then closed her eyes and fell asleep. Kaeya in the meanwhile was freaking out. His friend's three year old just said she wouldn't mind if he dated her dad. He didn't even feel for Albedo in a romantic way.

Albedo walked in and smiled to see Klee sleeping on Kaeya, Kaeya just looked at him in deep thought.

"I hope she didn't cause any issues by sleeping on you." Albedo said as he took Klee from Kaeya before tucking a piece of hair behind his ear.

"No it's quite alright. She's the best behaved kid here."

Albedo smiled again, Kaeya taking a moment to admire the way their eyes sparkled in the light,

"Well she certainly likes you. I've never seen her sleep on anyone before."

Albedo filled in the sign out sheet and looked back up at Kaeya.

"Speaking of sleep, if you ever want to talk to someone late at night I don't mind you texting me. I stay up quite late most nights so I'll most likely be able to respond." They said.

"Oh cool thanks. Same to you I guess except I usually sleep pretty quickly."

"Well I'll be going now,  I have a lot to mark. I'll see you tomorrow though."

Kaeya watched Albedo leave, observing the way his hair blew slightly in the summer breeze when he left the building, the slight click of their formal shoes on the floor, the way the small smile instantly warmed his heart.

Ok maybe Barbara was onto something.

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