Christmas Gifts(part 3)

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I'm probably gonna do two or three small chapters just to finish this off. I was gonna do one big chapter but some ideas were coming to me quicker than others and I didn't want to leave these too long so I'm separating them.


"Benny I have your Christmas gift." Razor said with a shy smile and held it out to the other.

"Aww thanks Razor. Do you want to open it now or?" Bennett asked.

"Yes open now." they replied.

Bennett took the gift and unwrapped it.

"You bought me 3 dresses! I love them!" he said.

"No, Razor make them. Mama help but I make." they corrected.

"Oh my Archons Razor you did not have to do all that for me! Thank you so much!"

Bennett launched themself onto Razor and the two ended up toppling backwards. They both giggled.

"I got you something too. Well two things really."

"Hope didn't cost you... too much." Razor said.

"It wasn't too pricey but I promise you it's worth it." Bennett said.

He helped them up and told them to close their eyes.

"Ok now open." Bennett instructed.

Razor opened their eyes and beamed brightly.

"Wolf!" They yelled and held the plushie in their hands.

"Hehe. I can see you like it."

"Razor love wolf. Thank you Benny!" they said and hugged Bennett.

"I got you something else but it's not physical. Well kind of. I bought us zoo tickets."

"Zoo! Razor love zoo! See all the animals." they said.

"I have an extra surprise for when we go but I'm not telling you what it is until we get there. My dad's are gonna drive us and be there but they'll probably go off and do their own thing anyway. They just wanted to be there in case anything bad happens. But it should go smoothly."

"Thank you Benny! Can't wait!" Razor said.

Bennett placed a quick kiss on Razor's forehead before the two sat down to watch a movie together. Razor didn't let go of the wolf or Bennett the entire time.

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