Kaeya's sick

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"Albedo what are you doing here?" Kaeya asked.

The blonde had appeared without much notice at his front door.

"Well over the phone  you said you were sick. So I wanted to come look after you. I hope that is alright with you." He explained.

Kaeya ushered his friend inside and towards his bedroom.

"I must say you have a lovely little flat." Albedo said, placing the few things he had brought down on an empty chair.

"Oh thank you. I try my best to keep it looking nice."

Kaeya layed down on his bed before sitting back up to cough.

He really didn't look well. His usually clear skin had a few blemishes and dark bags hung under his eyes. Not to mention his usually perfect blue hair was greasy and slightly matted.

"Oh my poor dear. Can I get you anything?" Albedo asked.

"A bath would be nice." Kaeya said.

The scientist ran their fingers through the blue hair.

"It could do with cleaning. How about I wash it for you?"

Kaeya choked on air at that.

"Wash it for me?" He asked.

"Yes. That way you can just relax." They replied.

Kaeya looked around a little nervously.

"I don't know Albedo."

"obviously don't feel obligated to do this. Have a bath and if you would like assistance let me know."


Albedo drew Kaeya a bath. Whilst his friend soaked his aching muscles he decided to clean a bit. Spreading germs would not be good. So he cleaned all the door knobs and handles in Kaeya's room.

Kaeya on the other hand ran a finger down his stomach. He knew it was a stupid thing to be self conscious about: a scar isn't necessarily something he can get rid off.

The scar in question was a rather large burn scar her acquired at age 7. His brother Diluc had been preparing hot drinks for everyone when he collided into Kaeya. The still boiling hot water hit Kaeya and a high pitched shriek followed by screams of pain filled the house. He'd been left with a pretty bad scar from it. It was purple and patchy and ran from just under the right side of his chest down to the bottom of his torso. He'd always been self conscious of it and now if he took albedo up on the offer he'd be face to face with an uncomfortable situation.

After a few minutes of contemplating he finally decided to take Albedo up on the offer.

Albedo entered the bathroom and sat on a small stall they'd taken from the kitchen. He grabbed the shampoo and slowly began to massage it into Kaeya's scalp. Kaeya leaned back into the touch, a smile on his face.

However after a few minutes albedo grew concerned.

"Is something wrong Kaeya?" Albedo asked .

" why do you ask? "

"Well this whole time you've been covering your torso with your hands and it doesn't seem to be a natural position. Is everything alright? Did I do something to make you feel uncomfortable." They asked.

"Oh no you aren't making me uncomfortable. I promise it's nothing." Kaeya replied.

"Alright then." the scientist replied and went back to rubbing the shampoo into the man's head.

Kaeya sat there and winced slightly. His arms were starting to ache from the odd position but if he moved them he risked Albedo finding him ugly. 

Finally the pain got the better of him.

"Right, ok, I'm going to move my arms. Just promise to not judge me." He said.

 Albedo nodded.

He moved his arms out the way and Albedo looked at the mark. They stood there for a moment, just looking at it. 

"Do you find it weird?" Kaeya asked. 

Albedo simply shook their head.

"Not at all. In fact I find it quite beautiful. It looks as though an artist has delicately painted you with watercolour." 

Kaeya smiled and felt a kiss be placed on his cheek. Albedo resumed washing Kaeya's hair.

Once they had finished, Albedo sat in Kaeya's living room and waited for the other to get changed. After a few minutes, he appeared, just having thrown on a jumper and some shorts.

They sat beside each other, watching a random tv show Kaeya had picked before he spoke.

"Did you mean what you said about my scar?" he asked.

Albedo saw the slightly worried expression on his friend's face so he took the others hand and a comforting smile spread across their lips.

"I did. I wouldn't lie to you." they replied.

Albedo pressed a small kiss to Kaeya's hands and the other smiled.

"Thanks Prince." 

And so the rest of the evening went peacefully, Albedo making dinner for Kaeya and looking after him until he needed to go home.

"Hey Prince can you come back tomorrow?" Kaeya asked, joking slightly.

Albedo chuckled.

"Of course my Knight."


Sorry for my lack of updates. Haven't felt very motivated. I will definitely update sooner next time. Maybe even sometime this week. For now enjoy a sort of cute filler chapter I got the idea for a couple days ago.

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