A hungover kaeya and a very much sober albedo

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Kaeya woke up and groaned. His head pounded. How much did he drink last night?

"Hey, you're awake. Take these it'll help." Albedo said and handed over painkillers and some water.

Kaeya thanked them and swallowed them before sitting up slowly.

"Sorry for drinking last night. I really wasn't planning on having that much. I have a slight tendency to over do it." He apologised . 

Albedo just gave him a warm smile. Archons that smile just lit his mood up.

"Its quite alright. I understand you were sad last night. Whilst I don't condone ever drinking to escape your problems I can see you really just weren't in a good place last night.'

They then let out a chuckle.

" drunk Kaeya really was something I didn't think I would see though. "

Kaeya's eyes went wide.

"What did I do?" He asked, almost scared to hear the answer.

" Oh nothing bad you just asked me to kiss you. " Albedo replied in their usual monotone voice.


" I'm surprised you don't remember. I was a little shocked at first but I thought it might cheer you up so I did. "

Kaeya was even more surprised by that.

"You did? You kissed me on the mouth?" He asked.

" No on the cheek. Please do not feel embarrassed though. It's definitely not the worst thing you could do whilst drunk. "  Albedo replied.

Kaeya just looked at them for a few seconds before smiling and pulling them into a hug.

"Oh did I say something wrong? Are you alright?" He asked.

" I'm alright. Just not many people would put up with me, much less joke about with me the next morning if I got that drunk. You're really special to me albedo. I really did mean it the other day when I said I'd do anything for you, you know. "

Albedo smiled back.

"And I you." They replied back and pushed a streak of hair out of kaeya's face.

He smiled and slightly leaned into the touch . They locked eyes, not noticing themselves leaning towards eachother.

They were close. Faces almost touching eachother. Mouths inches apart.

Then there was a knock at the door. The two left eachothers embrace as Klee walked in.

"Daddy, Mr Kaeya. Good morning."

" Good morning princess. Are you hungry? Can I get you something to eat? "  Albedo asked.

"Pancakes! Pancakes!" Klee chanted as they chuckled and picked her up.

" Kaeya would you like some pancakes? " they asked. Kaeya nodded.

"Alright. Feel free to get cleaned up. I'll call you when they're ready." He said and took more downstairs.

Kaeya got in the shower and managed to find some clothes that fit him before going downstairs. They ate breakfast together and he played with klee for a while before deciding too head home. He said goodbye and left.

Neither of them seeming to truly understand what almost happened just over an hour before.

Neither of them truly understanding that they almost kissed.

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