Christmas Gifts(part 4)

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"Gorou! Kazuha! You two made it!" Itto exclaimed and pulled both of them into a hug.

"Of course we did babe! Why would we miss hanging out with you on Christmas?" Gorou said.

"Well uh hang your coats up and then you can enter my leir. Granny says she'll let us know when dinner is ready."

The three entered Itto's room and sat down on the floor, gifts held behind their backs.

"Can I go first? I'm very proud of what I got you two!"Itto said.

"Go ahead." Kazuha said.

"Ok! So, Granny taught me how to crotchet a couple months back and boom, take a look at these bad boys!"

Itto held out two animal plushes they had crotched ximself

"Naturally, Gorou babe you get the doggy. I was going for a shiba since I know they're your favourite but it didn't end up looking too much like one. And for you Kazuha, my bestest bro, you get the kitty cat."

"Aww he's so cute!" Gorou exclaimed and took the little shiba plush. 

Kazuha took his cat an held it close to his chest.

"Thank you Itto." He said.

"Yes thank you babe I love him." Gorou said and placed a kiss on his cheek.

"Woah, woah babe, not that I dislike your kisses but Granny could come in any minute and you know she doesn't know bout us."

Gorou pouted slightly in protest and sat back down.

"I'll go next," Kazuha said, " For you my darling boyfriend I bought you a dog notebook so you can write down all the ideas I know you have in your head. And for you Itto, I found these little cow shaped storage containers for your desk so you can keep it tidy."

"Woah sick cows! I love cows!"

Gorou brought the two gift bags out from behind his back.

"So Kazuha I got you this cute little maple leaf earring and necklace set. And Itto I know you love onikabuto, onis and cows so I got you a choker and customised it a little bit so it included everything. It's got charms, I painted some little details on and the oni mask charm is a locket so you can put a picture in it." Gorou said proudly and handed the gifts over.

" Well would you do the honours for both of us? " Kazuha giggled.

Gorou took the necklace and fastened it around Kazuha's neck before giving him a peck on the lips. He did the same for Itto, carefully fastening the choker around its neck before pecking him on the lips.

They all smiled happily at each other.

Then they heard a cough.

"Dinner is ready kiddos. But I uh don't mind giving you some privacy if I was ruining an intimate moment." Granny said.

" Shit Granny I didn't notice you come in! " Itto chuckled nervously.

"Language young man. I'll see you three at the dinner table. And Itto son, you might have to explain to this confused old woman what your relationship is exactly." She said and left.

The three just looked at eachother and let out a laugh before following after her.

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