"Why do you still wear the ring?"

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A few weeks later I haven't done anything about the guy who blackmailed me, I know I should but I've been out of sorts quite frankly since I've been home. I don't know what to do with myself, the routine on tour was drink, drugs, sex, fight and repeat. I got my job back at the old bar and I start thinking about my options. Should I go to university or try pursue a career in dance. I mean university might not lead anywhere but a career in this industry is so unpredictable... I walk downstairs and see my parents looking quite serious at the dining table

"Anna love, sit down" dad says

"Okay? Is everything okay?" I say suspiciously 

"Yes love everything is fine, we just want to chat to you for a bit" mum says

I sit down and my parents look at each other worryingly. 

"Anna we know you've been through a lot this year and you need time to get over your relationship with Liam. But it has been weeks now and" she looks down at my hand

"What? My ring?" I say

"Anna we think it's time you considered taking it off."

"But what difference does it make?" I say a little defensively 

"Anna you need to think about moving on"

"I AM MOVING ON! I LEFT HIM! REMEMBER! He didn't break up with me I broke up with him!! You don't even know why I broke up with him!"

"Because you won't tell us love"

"Because you should stay out of it!!! I need to do it at my own pace okay?! I need to get to work!" I say leaving and slamming the door

I feel guilty, they clearly just want to help but I couldn't face taking the ring off not yet. It was too soon, I didn't want the memories of Liam to fade away. I go to the pub and start working. It's quite a busy night and I'm a little flustered. There are a few sleazy drunk men hitting on me throughout the night. I'm behind the bar and one of the men talk to me

"Alright darling, what's a pretty girl like you doing behind the bar. Someone should be buying you a drink"

"Do you want a drink" I say, ignoring his other comments

"No I'd rather just a chat"

"Well I'm too busy to be making friends so if you don't want a drink could you leave me alone"

"Hey who said about being friends" he says and his friends start laughing

"Alright that's enough leave the poor girl alone, you lot are double her age, she ain't interested" my lovely manager says

I smile at him and he speaks again "Anna I'll deal with this sad lot, why don't you go wait on some tables"   

"Okay thanks for that, some guys haven't a clue honestly" I say giggling a little and going towards each table 

"Hiya can I get you guys some drinks" I say to the quite attractive group of lads

One guy with blue eyes reminds me of Liam and I fancy him a lot

"Oh yeah can we get some gin and tonics uh 1...2...3... uh seven gin and tonics please lovely"

I don't usually like nicknames from strangers but this one sounded nice. He gave me a kind smile as I went to put the order in. As I was doing this I felt someone's presence behind me and turned around it was the same blue eyed guy. 

"Hi" he says shyly "I'm sorry I don't really do this often but I just want to say you're really beautiful"

My manager gave me a concerned look and I nodded to assure him I was fine. 

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