The Party - Part two

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Music was blaring and my head was spinning.
I found myself dancing on top of a table with Lucy and ignored the fact that guys were trying to look under my dress. I seductively was doing slut drops and grinding around Lucy which got the guys excited. They're so easy.... I jumped off the table and went outside for some air. The smell of smoke became unbearable and I spoke up

"Hey yeno you're guna regret that when your lungs fall out of your stomach and you can't breathe no more"

Laughing at my nonsense blue eyes stared at me

"It's no laughing matter I'm afraid, just you wait" for some reason I thought that was a great title for a song so I started singing "just you waitttttttt, just youuuu wait" I laughed knowing I was acting a fool but didn't care with the alcohol in my veins

"My god you are a light weight, you're guna feel this in the morning"

Suddenly a drunken Sam came out and I felt a sting as he slapped my ass hard laughing as he did it.

I gasped and turned around to see his sleazy eyes. He wrapped his arms around my waist and then lowered them again to my bum. I pushed his chest but the alcohol had made me weak. Liam grabbed him and pulled him away from me and punched him square in the nose. Sam stumbled back and swore at Liam and I just stood in shock.

"Are you okay?" Liam said kindly to me and the butterflies I felt had come back again

"Oh yeah, I'm fine. Sorry about that"

"Why are you sorry, he's the dickhead. No guy should ever think he's allowed to touch a girl like that and get away with it"

I smiled "well thanks you really didn't need to do that" the butterflies became stronger and I realised that it wasn't really butterflies. I turned and bent over and threw up on the garden. I felt someone pull my hair and rub my back. I stood back up and felt just awful. The dizziness was really I stumbled a bit and Liam but his arms around me to keep my balance.

"I think I'm guna call it a night and head home before I embarrass myself anymore"

"You're not walking home alone at this time in this neighbourhood"

" well I need to get home, mum will be so worried she doesn't even know I drink"

"Okay well if you're going I'm coming with you"

"Okay that is flattering but I don't want to do anything like that"

"Eughh to make sure you get back alright, where's your coat?"


"Never mind just have this" he put his jacket on me and it smelt of his aftershave. It was oversized on me and he giggled a bit at it on me
"Looks better on you anyway, come on let's get you home"


Liam put his arm around me to help me get home and I had already taken my heels off and was holding them. We turned a corner and went up steps that weren't mine.

"Liam this isn't my house"

"Yeah no shit it's my house. You should sober up and get cleaned up before you go home unless you want a battering"

"My mum would never hit me she's not a monster"

Liam looked down and I wondered if he had an abusive mother. We walked in and I noticed a guy who looked like Liam, assuming it was his brother. Liam dropped me on the couch beside him and went to the kitchen

"Helloooo, I'm anna what's your name"

"Noel" he rolled his eyes

"So you're Liam's brother then"

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