"I will always love you"

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AUTHORS NOTE: Hello beautiful people, just a quick note to look at the image above. I mean the Gallagher brothers always look cool but this is on another level. Noel being unapologetically bored and his Adam's apple... oh my.... and Liam just making the most sexy face. I can't with these two anyways here's the next chapter. Hope you enjoy <3


We all went back to the hotel at about 5am so we were all wrecked. Liam was still sleeping and I got out of bed with a gruesome hangover at about 12pm. I got into the shower as this always cured it a little. Then I needed to eat. After my shower I go down to try and scavenge some food and coffee. I find that the buffet is open until 2pm and I'm so happy. I walk over and fix myself a plate and get some croissants for Liam. I don't think he will be able to stomach scramble eggs and neither will I. I grab two coffees and put it all on a tray to bring upstairs. I set it down and have a croissant just staring at Liam who is sleeping so peacefully. I feel so content in this moment watching him and I take a sip of coffee. Suddenly my phone starts ringing, I wonder who it could be. It's an unknown number but I haven't really saved many contacts since its new. I think it might be from home so I go to the hallway and answer it.

"Hello?" I answer

"Hi is this Anna"

"Yes who is this please?"

"Never you mind who this is, I need you to meet me at the Starbuck's a few yards from your hotel"

"Em I'm sorry I think you have the wrong person, goodbye"

"Do not hang up on me. I have a proposition that you will definitely be interested in"

"Who is this, look if you're some crazy Oasis fan, I'm not the person to talk to alright. They'll be angry you tried to get to them through me so just leave me alone please"

"Listen Anna, I have footage of you doing some less than innocent acts"

"What? What the fuck are you talking about"

"So I've got your attention now?"

"What are you on about?!" I say a little more angry

"Well you used a venue that I used to work at and I still get CCTV footage of the dressing rooms"


"Yeah and I saw what you did, the cocaine, the threesome, the fact that you got with your fiancé's brother with him on the opposite couch"

"Holy shit, look can't you just be a decent person. What do you fucking want from me?"

"Just come to the Starbucks in ten minutes. And Anna do not tell any of your little band friends or I will put it out for the world to see. You hear me?"

"Yeah I won't, just tell me what you want"

"I'll see you soon" and with that he hung up

I felt sick to my stomach, the fact that someone had seen what I'd done. I might go to prison, taking cocaine can put you there... And what would Liam say about Noel and I. Oh fuck... I walk back into the room and Liam is still in bed. I go to the toilet bowl and throw up. I brush my teeth and put on my jacket. I walk out the hotel and walk to Starbucks. I'm so nervous, someone who would do this could be really dangerous. I'm glad we will be in a public place at least. I reach the Starbucks and realise I won't know him but he'll know me. I walk to a table to a guy with a hoodie and sunglasses. I can hardly see what he looks like

"Anna I'm glad you came, sit down" he says

"Look you don't have my consent, so you will go to prison if you let it out. Just don't do anything stupid and give me the tape"

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