"Because it's in the past"

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I was at work flipping through another magazine that Liam and Noel were on the cover of. They talked about Blur and started shitting on them. We had seen them in Manchester before Oasis got signed. It seemed a new rivalry was starting between them. I laughed at the confident remarks from Liam and Noel. I loved how big they were getting. After my shift I walked back to Sam's hoping he would be asleep or at least sober. It was 2am. I walked in and was disappointed to see that he was drunk on the couch. I walked in and went straight to the bedroom, too tired to deal with his nonsense. I was getting changed and he walked in stumbling a bit. 

"Anna, don't I get a hello when you walk in?" he said slurring his words a lot. He was very drunk

This was becoming routine to come home to him drunk and I wasn't happy. I didn't answer him I just tried to ignore him but he wouldn't let me

"Giving me the silent treatment then huh? Anna fucking answer me don't be a bitch"

"Sam I didn't say hello because I knew you would be like this. Drunk and arrogant"

"Anna babe, I'm going through a lot of shit right now"

"Yes I know Sam! But you can't use the excuse of having shitty parents to be horrible to me!!"

"What did you fucking say?"

"Sam come on, you can't be on their side. The way they treat you, the way they both spoke to me. They're disgusting."

"Anna, fair enough with my dad but my mum's a fucking angel"

"Does an angel shout at an 18 year old calling her a slut? No I don't think so! She's just as bad as your cunt dad"

Suddenly I felt a sting on my cheek and I was in shock. Tears formed in my eyes

"Don't you fucking talk about her like that Anna, she's twice the woman you'll ever be!!"

I stand in shock holding my cheek where he had slapped it. 

"Sam, you hit me..."

"Yeah well, you needed to be put in your place"

He sounded like his deadbeat dad and I was now really scared. I didn't feel safe in this house alone with him. I went to leave but he grabbed my wrist.

"Anna, you can't leave, stay with me"

"No Sam, I don't want to be near you!"

He didn't let go of me making marks on my wrist. I drew blood and started crying more

"Let me go Sam!!"

"Anna just get in bed!"

"No Sam! NO!!"

"ANNA JUST DO IT!!!" He screamed

I was scared and obeyed knowing that he might hit me again

I got into bed and he came after me wrapping his arms around me possessively.


The next morning I woke up and my eyes were puffy. I walked to the bathroom and had a shower trying to forget about the night before. I walked back in and Sam was sat up looking down

"Anna I'm so sorry, I don't know what came over me"

I stood in silence

"Anna please, I have no one else. I need you I don't know what happened. I've never done anything like that before. It won't happen again. I promise." 

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