"I thought I could trust him"

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I woke up laying on Liam's chest as he was stroking my hair. I felt so at ease with him and content that he was the guy I was waking up to. I smiled

"Good morning beautiful" Liam said sweetly

"Good mornin" I replied with a smile

I got up a little bit and gave him a quick kiss before sitting up. He rubbed my back and sat up putting his arm around me. I let my neck fall onto the crook of his and he kissed me on the top of my head.

"How'd you sleep" I said

"Better beside you, and I was pretty worn out after the night"

"Yeah I'm not surprised" I giggled completely smitten

I lay back down and looked up at him as he slowly leaned back down to kiss me. He pushed closer and was half on top of me. He grinded on me slightly making himself harder. I smiled and he kissed my neck finding my sweet spot once again making me moan. He started to make his way down to my chest, to my stomach and found his way to my clit making circles at the top of it giving me tingles. I started to moan and I heard a knock at the door and froze.

"Omg" I whispered

The door started to open and I shouted abruptly "em don't come in here, I'm changing!!"

"Oh sorry love, can I come in I need to give you your washing"

"Mum can you do it later please I'm kind of busy!"

"Honestly Anna just put something around you"

"Okay hold on!" I shouted and told Liam to hide

"Get under the bed and don't make a sound I'm serious!!" He scrambled under the bed and I was so nervous

"Okay mum come in" my voice cracked from pure fear

"Hiya darling, you're not changed?"

"Uhh no I was getting out of my pyjamas so I just got back into my sheets"

"Okay love well here's your washing, fold it please and put it in your drawers!"

"Okay mum thanks" I said quickly

"What's wrong with you this morning Anna, you look flustered"

"Nothing mum I just I'm feeling a bit hot"

"Okay dear well" she's interrupted by dad marching in.... oh great

"Hiya love, do you have my charger? My computers going out of battery"

"No dad it's not here maybe in the living room, guys can I please get changed in peace!"

As if things couldn't get worse my protective older brother came in to join the party in my room

"Hey sis, dya want maccies for dinner?"

"Yeah sure but what I'd really like is to get changed"

"Okay everyone out she's in a mood" mum remarked

I rolled my eyes and Peter my brother noticed his favourite t-shirt just peeking from underneath the bed. He went down to pick it up before I could stop him and he let out a Yelp as he looked under

"What is it???" Mum asked

He calmed down and looked at me as I looked down in embarrassment and fear.

"Oh uh nothing I thought I saw a mouse but it was a pair of socks. Guys could you give us a minute I need to talk to Anna. It's about your anniversary present"

"Oh lucky us, sure thing" Dad said following mum out the door

Peter stood in silence for what felt like an eternity. Then he finally spoke up

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