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*Third Person POV*

Jin pressed the doorbell, even knocking a few times. But he got no response. No one in the house opened the door for him. Because there's no one inside.

His heart started to get restless. Where would Jungkook leave him, he thought.

He started to sweat. His head felt heavy. He almost fell, even staggered. He leaned himself in front of the door to restrain himself. But the more he tried to hold on, his legs were no longer able to stand. His vision all began to blacken and finally his body lay down. He eventually fell and passed out.


"Jin? you awake?"

The faint voice sounded in the surroundings as Jin started to slowly open his eyes. He looked like a man in a daze because he didn't know what was happening to him.

"Where am I? What happened?"

"You're at the hospital, Jin. We found you passed out. We're very worried, so we brought you here," said Jungkook's mom with a worried face.

Jin began to remember what had happened before, why he was brought to this hospital with Jungkook's family.

"I.. I came to your house to meet Jungkook. Where is he?"

Jin started looking for Jungkook by looking at the people in the room one by one. But there's only Namjoon, Hoseok, and Jungkook's parents.

"Don't you know?" Hoseok asked.

"Know what?"

"Jungkook has already left to Sydney," Namjoon answered.

"He will live there during college, Jin. Didn't Jungkook tell you?" Jungkook's mom asked while stroking the shoulder of the person sitting on the hospital bed.

"He-- he didn't tell me. This morning he just left a painting and just wrote goodbye in a letter. That's also someone found it in the trash and told me. I don't know why he put it there, and didn't give it to me right away"

"He came to your house yesterday, not this morning. Are you sure he didn't come to see you?" Namjoon asked.

"No, he didn't come to see me. But..." Jin hung his sentence while remembering yesterday.

"--maybe he saw me with Taehyung" he continued. Now he can connect the dots. Jungkook who saw him with Taehyung was the reason the person didn't meet him and just left the painting and the letter in the trash.

"Taehyung? Is he your future husband?" Namjoon asked again.

Jin was silent in surprise, he chose not to answer the question. He thought it seemed like Namjoon already knew what had happened about his upcoming marriage to make him leave Jungkook. He would feel guilty if he answered that question. He couldn't be honest right now in front of Jungkook's family.

Knock Knock

"Excuse me" the doctor's voice also came in, breaking the silence in the room.

"Doctor, what happened to Jin? How is his condition now??" Jungkook's mom asked in worried.

"His condition has really decreased. He's tired. And it seems you're thinking too much, right Jin? Stress is what triggers your health condition to decline"

"Ah yes, Doc..." Jin lowered his head, he agreed with the doctor's words since he had a lot on his mind lately.

"Don't think too much and rest. I will give you medicine, take it regularly," said the doctor as he left the room.

"Alright I'll handle of the administration so you can go home and rest at home, Jin," said Jungkook's Dad.

"I really bothered you all. I'm sorry.."

"It's okay Jin, don't think about it. Your health is more important"

"Thank you very much, you guys are really a very good family.. thank you"

Only thanks can Jin say for the treatment and affection he got from Jungkook's family. They never indiscriminately and still treat him well like their own family. He felt guilty for hurting Jungkook. He felt he didn't deserve this.

"By the way, Hoseok and I will take you home" Namjoon said.

"...uhm thank you, Namjoon.."


On the way, Namjoon was driving and Hoseok sat beside him. While Jin sat in the back seat. At first it was quiet in the car, but in the end Namjoon got up the courage to start a conversation.

"He really loves you"

The person sitting in the back was surprised by the sudden words of Namjoon who spoke while looking at him in the rearview mirror.

"I.. I know.." Jin answered quietly.

"I'm not the type of person who likes to meddle in other people's business, Jin. But I just wanted to tell you that my brother really loves you. But sadly he didn't get what he deserved in return"

"I'm sorry.. I hurt him"

"That's the reason he left here. He wants to try to forget the past that hurt him"

"Jin.." This time it was Hoseok who tried to join the conversation.

"One day Jungkook told me, that he was really waiting for himself to graduate soon to prove to you that he could be an adult so you accept him. I hope you can see his efforts for you, Jin. He really loves you" he continued.

"But now I've lost him..." Jin said, while tears slowly rolled down his cheeks.

"You didn't lose him but he has lost you. You have to accept the consequences because you didn't choose him. Maybe this is his way to heal himself," said Hoseok.

"He locked himself for 3 weeks in his room. He didn't want to talk to anyone. It made me frustrated seeing my brother like that" Namjoon added.

Hear the words of the two people in front of him. Makes Jin feel even more guilty. He was just too stupid with what he had done and made him not realize that it turned out that what he was doing made Jungkook down like that.

"I'm sorry... I'm sorry Jungkook.. I regret it now.." Said Jin who was increasingly filled with tears, while his hands cupped his face.

"Sometimes you only realize someone mean a lot to you when he's gone" said Hoseok.

"Now Jungkook has started looking for a new life. At least don't ever hurt Jungkook again if you can't make him happy, Jin"

Jin was very slapped by their words because what they said was true. Now he just felt that the loss of the person he had been putting aside was so meaningful to him after that person was gone.

But he knew it was impossible to catch up and get Jungkook back. What he can do now is continue what he has chosen. He had chosen Taehyung, although now he realized that Jungkook's presence was more than meaningful. But Jungkook is gone, his regrets are useless.

He didn't know what else to do but to continue living his life just as what he had decided. Because it's too late.

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