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Everyone has hit a deadend. Carla's friends couldn't find anything new to prove her innocence. They gave what the found the other day to James to see if it would help. It did, ish. But it wasn't enough for the hearing. Oh yeah there was a hearing for Carla. It was just a preliminary hearing to see if there was sufficient evidence that Carla actually killed the man to take it into trial.

James Chalamet was stressed to say the least. He has been doing everything he can to win this hearing because he never loses. And he isn't gonna lose this time, especially since it's his daughter he's defending. So when his team gave him a piece of evidence that could prove his daughter's innocence, he couldn't wait to tell her.

"Peanut?" James yelled in his too big of a house. "Carla?" Still no answer. "Martha, have you seen Carla?"

Martha shook her head. "Last time I saw Ms Carla she was in her room."

James nodded and made his way towards the girl's room. He knocked and opened the door to see an empty room. "Carla?" Still no answer. He sighed and walked towards the practice room near the basement. She still wasn't in there.

James pulled out his phone and called Shane. "Hey Mr C."

"Shane is Carla with you?"

"No, why?" Shane asked.

"She's not here. And I thought maybe she was with you but... oh god." James said, catching a small note in the corner of the room. "Lose the hearing or you lose your daughter."

"What?" Shane asked, not thinking he heard that correctly.

"Someone's taken Carla." James said, taking his other phone out and dialing a number. "Shane gather everyone here. Now."

"Right on it." Shane said hanging up while James talked on the other phone.

"Paul we have a situation. My daughter is missing. Put out a CPD out for her. NOW!"



✔️| 𝒄𝒂𝒓𝒓𝒚 𝒐𝒏 ─ 𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒚 𝒑𝒓𝒆𝒕𝒕𝒚 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔Where stories live. Discover now