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Carla thankfully got through the week without having any encounterments with her ex boyfriend. Granted her friends kept her busy, taking her out for lunch, having a picnic at the park, really anything to keep her mind off of her shitty life.

However, the girl did feel sad for the boy. He basically lost all his friends because they indirectly took the girl's side over his. She couldn't imagine how lonely he felt without having any of the guys to turn too. Instead he turns to Josie. Someone he knew the girl hated. But he was desperate for friends. 

Tonight was finally Shane's half birthday party. They were holding it in one of the empty banquet halls next to the school. More like Shane's boyfriend was able to give them access to the place to have this party.

Carla was having the time of her life. She danced with her friends and have taken too many shots. But yet she always found herself sobering up faster than some people. Some people she meant her cousin. Now he was wasted.

"Bette I have to tell you something." Zach drunkenly said to the girl, a champagne bottle in his hand.

Before anyone could say anything they were interrupted by Detective Cruz.

"Carla Chalamet." Detective Cruz said to the girl. "You're under arrest for the murder of Ramon Costa."

"What?" Carla said, not believing what she just heard. "Get your hands off me." She tried shaking the cop behind her trying to cuff her up. 

"You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have a right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed for you."

"You can't do that." Bette yelled.

"Let her go." Shane yelled.

"Everything gonna be fine, we'll call your dad." Cassie yelled and that was the last thing she heard as the police escorted out of the building and into a cop car.

And to think Carla didn't think her life could get any worse. Well it did. And it can only go downhill from here. 


Uuuuh oohh...

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