Trying something new

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~one week later~

Lizzie's POV:

Its been a week and I've been drinking lactation pills. See I don't know if Eve will be comfortable. My boobs really hurt. So I was think I will try it today.

I was currently cleaning the living room. Since Eve decided to play. I didn't know where she was. She just disappeared. I was about to yell for her but I saw her sitting on the stairs.

"Hey I was looking for you" I said as I sat down next to her

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"Hey I was looking for you" I said as I sat down next to her. She didn't have Mr. Snuggles with her. So I guess she was waiting for me to go upstairs. She still too scared to go up and down the stairs by herself.

"You ready to go to bed?" I said as I tucked a piece of hair behind her ear.

"Mhm, milk please" She answered me back. Perfect. I turned around to look at her. I then picked her up and started heading towards my bedroom. 

"Mommy milk"

"I know. I wanna try something okay. You can tell me if your not comfortable okay." She looked at me and slowly nodded her head. I put her down in the bed and went to get her bunny just in case. I sat down next to her and she looked back up at me. I patted my lap and she crawled onto my lap. 

"You know you've been tugging at shirt a lot?" She looked down at her hands. I lifted her head up. "See at first I thought it was because you wanted more skin-to-skin contact, which I'm fine with. But I think is more than that right?" She didn't say anything but stare at me. "So I decided to try feeding you. Has your mom every breastfed you?" I asked while pointing at my chest so she understands. Her eyes lit up when I motioned towards my chest. 

"Mm only a little bit" She answered. So her mom has okay good. 

"Do you wanna try?" I asked her. She looked at me and down to my chest and nodded slowly. I lifted up my shirt and she slowly got closer. I asked her again to make sure she was comfortable. I positioned myself and took out one of my breast. She looked at me and I nodded for her to go. She latched on and slowly started to suck. It kinda felt weird at first but anything for her. I held her head and moved her legs so now she was laying down. She snuggled more into me and I smiled down at her. Her eyes started to flutter closed but she kept opening them.

"Its okay baby, you can sleep. I got you okay." I said as I kissed her head. She nodded and closed her eyes. I started to rock us side to side to help her fall asleep faster. She gripped onto my shirt when I moved. I kissed her head again and positioned myself so I can lay down. I grabbed her pacify and slowed detached myself from her. I put myself away and got up. I think I can get used to this. 

Evelyn's POV:

While mommy was cleaning the mess I made. Hehe. I started to look for Mr.Snuggles but I couldn't find him. He's probably still upstairs. I was in the kitchen when I saw some papers. Wonder what they are, I can't read yet. It was a lot of words. I made my way back to and sat down in the stairs. I'm not going up those stairs by myself. 

Then mommy comes around the corner. 

"Hey I was looking for you" She said and sat down next to me. She asked me if I was ready to bed which I nodded. But I was kinda hungry, I usually drink milk before bed. 

"Milk please." I asked. She stood up and picked me up. I got confused because we started to go upstairs. "Mommy milk" I said again and she said she wanted to try something new. Mommy put me down and then left the room. She came back with Mr.Snuggles and sat down next to me. 

"You know you've been tugging at shirt a lot?" Mommy said, I looked down at my hands. Maybe she was getting annoyed at me for doing that. She lifted my head up. "See at first I thought it was because you wanted more skin-to-skin contact, which I'm fine with. But I think is more than that right?" I was getting confused so I just stared at her. "So I decided to try feeding you. Has your mom every breastfed you?" After she said that I thought for a bit. I got excited. Mami did feed me but only for while

"Mm only a little bit" I answered back. She asked me if I wanted to try which I did. But I was scared I would hurt her. She started to lift her shirt up when I moved towards her.

I looked back at her once more to mkae sure. She nodded at me. I latched on, I started to suck a little. I felt a warm liquid come in my mouth. Milk. I sighed and snuggled closer to her.

I started to feel tired but I was scared to fall asleep.

"Its okay baby, you can sleep. I got you okay." Mommy said as she kissed my head. I closed my eyes and felt her start to rock side to side. I was half alseep when I felt her mom. I quickly held on her shirt. I didn't want to let go just yet.

She kissed my head again and I felt us move. She had layed down. I felt safe. I felt safe with her. Before I know it I'm fast asleep.

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