Panic on set

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Kathryn's POV:

Ever since I met with the cast. It has been amazing. Paul and Lizzie. God Lizzie Olsen is the sweetest.

She has taught me so much in such little time. I just love how she works, and now seeing it in person. Damn that women works hard.

I found out she has a little girl. She has been telling me how wonder its been. As a mother of two, I can agree. Watching those little idiots grow over the years.

Its not even her own child, but she treats her like one. The way Lizzie just took Evelyn under her wing like that.

I found out Paul and Evelyn had gone through some tramatic events. That Evelyn is still in the hospital. How she is not speaking anymore.

I found Lizzie a few times in her trailer alone and crying. She so attached to that little girl. Make matters worst today is Evelyn's birthday.

Lizzie has been sad about it how she can't go see her baby. I would be too. I can only imagine how Evelyn feels.


"Lizzie, please again. Sorry from another angle now."

I see how Lizzie lets out a sigh. She been working so hard today. She wants to go see Evelyn. We have been working since 4 in the morning.

Its either reshooting scenes because we need a new angle. Or because someone came up with a new idea.

I send a quick smile as Lizzie goes back to stand in her spot. They bring back the little kiddos. I noticed Lizzie acting a bit strange.

Elizabeth's POV:

Its been really hard today. I've been up sonce four in the morning. I was supposed to leave set three hours ago.

Today is Eve's birthday, I just want to spend time with her.

I'm told to reshooot a scene again. I just want to go home. They bring back the five year olds.

Then it hits me...

My vision goes blurry, I feel a bit dizzy. I feel the tears coming.

God get it together Lizzie.

"Wait, wait stop." I hear someone voice echo. "Get the kids out of here please. Give her space, please."

I'm so busy trying to wipe my tears away and breathe. I don't want these kids seeing me like this. I just can't help get out a sob.

I feel a hand on my back. I quickly turn around. I feel the same hand grab my own hand.

"I'm okay, I'm okay I just-"

"Shh, shh its okay."

"No, no sorry. Lets get back to filming. Just- I'm okay"

"Elizabeth no. Calm down." I feel their arm grab my body as I try to move. My mind goes back when the cop had grabbed me like that. Not letting me go to see Eve.

I just want my Eve. My baby.

I'm pulled down the ground, softly being placed to lay on the island. One hand rubbing my arm. While the other grabs my hand.

My vision comes back and I see Kathryn sitting infront of me. She sends me a smile. I look to my left and see Paul coming my way.


Kathryn's POV:

I can see Lizzie is out of it. So I decided to stay quiet until she comes back to her surroundings. She keeps wispering things that I can't catch.

My Baby [Adopted by Elizabeth Olsen]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat