Hyper Puppies

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Evelyn's POV:

"Okay Miss. Evelyn you know what to do." It had been two weeks now in London. Mommy was at set working while I stayed home. She also gotten me a tutor to help me. I learned so far the colors of the rainbow. A couple animals. Oh I also know how to spell my name correctly.

After writing my name, I stare at the other line. Something says infront of it that I can't read.

"Ms. Webb?"

"Yes sweetheart"

"What does this say?" I say while pointing at the word on the paper.

"Sound it out day-"

"Da-da... date?"

"Good job you got it." She gave me a highfive and told me to write some numbers down.

Some time passed and I did two papers. Ms. Webb told me I have to do to more later. Her phone starts ringing which she pickes up. She puts her phone down at the table and presses a button.

"Okay she can hear you now." I jump in my chair when I hear mommy's voice.

"Hi Evelyn"

"HI MOMMY!" Both Ms. Webb and mommy laugh.

"Hi baby, how did it go today?" I look back at Ms. Webb which she points to the papers.

"Hm I wrote my name and and wrote some letters" She giggles at my excitement. "OH and I learn how to say um da-date."

"Wow baby, I'm so proud of you. So Ms. Webb is she done for the day?"

"She is indeed done. She has some homework to do. Some studying nothing to hard. She learns pretty quickly."

"Well I'll make sure she does it all. As again take some water or a snack anything you need. There is someone picking up Evelyn so your free to go"

I let Ms. Webb and mommy talk and I clean up. Putting away my pencil and books. Running towards the kitchen to get Ms. Webb some water. Place it on the table and going back to my seat. She thanks me before helping me make my bag.

I hadn't seen mommy these past two days. She usally comes back when I'm already asleep. Mommy's agent Marla had been with me these past days.


I was walking in a big building with Marla at my side. I don't know where we are tho. Until we come to a door with a big sign on it. As Marla opens the door its all red inside. Its kinda scary until theu turn on the lights.

I see a couple of camera's and some big lights. We stand there for a bit before I spot mommy. She's wearing a big coat it is kinda chilly in here.


Elizabeth's POV:

I hear the small little voice I love. Turning around I see her running up to me. Which I quickly run to her as well. Picking her up and spinning us around.

"Hi I missed you so much" I hug Eve closer and look around to see Marla. Mouthing a thank you before she left. With covid rules a not a lot of people can be in a room. Plus with marvel only members and casting people could enter the rooms.

I looked back at Eve seeing her eyes scan at me. She looked at me so confused. Then I remember I was in costume. Now she hasn't seen me in this costume yet. Me as the Scarlet Witch.

"I don't scare you do I?" I quickly ask making her shake her head. Her arms goes to touch the pointy part of the crown or whatever you call it.

"You look cool"

"Thank you baby" I say laughing. "Do you wanna see what is going on in set?"

"Yes" I take her back to the spot I was standing at. Seeing Xochitl and Benedict wrapping up a scene. It was one of a few we get to film together. Mostly its me by myself with a stunt double of them. Or just me alone.

Benedict is the first to see me and smile at me. They haven't met Eve so this is their first time. Just a second goes by and Xochitl see Eve. I can hear her gasp and wave at us. Which I make Eve wave back. After they let them go I see her running up to us.

"Oh my god hi, you are so cute" Which Eve slowly nuzzles into me. "What's her name"

"Evelyn" I answer since Eve is nuzzled  in my neck. They call me back on set which means the rest have to leave. Xochitl offered to look after Evelyn as I go back to acting.


After finishing filming, loud giggles fill the room. I can here Xochitl squeals which makes me lightly chuckle. I see them in a corner of the set. Eve on her back as Xochitl runs around.

As she turns around I put my hands on my hip. She widened her eyes and Eve just smiles.

"Hi mommy"

"Hi baby. What are you guys doing?"

"Oh I just giving her a piggy back ride because she got bored. Were we being to loud sorry" Xochitl quickly exclaims. I put a hand out stopping her from more rambling.

"No its totally fine. Thank you for keeping her company. I appreciate it."
We get called back to the makeup trailers. Which we start heading there.

"¿quieres tener una carrera?" I hear Xochitl say. But I have no clue what that ment. [You want to have a race?]

"YES!" Eve yells. Before I know it I see Xochitl start to run.

"First one there is a rotten EGG!" Oh they are challenge me on a race. I start sprinting behind them. I can hearing Eve screaming once she seems me. Xochitl squealing when she almosy crashes into one of the crew members.

I'm right behind them but end up slowing down. We have different makeup trailers. Xochitl is with Benedict Wong. While I'm with Cumberbatch. Covid rules still.

I see them outside the trailer. Laughing their asses off. Eve screaming again. They are like hyper puppies. She sets Eve down and whispers something in her ear. Which  makes Eve giggle. Eve comes running to me and giving me grabby hands.

"I got you" I start tickling her. "I'll see you later Xochitl"

"Yeah bye Lizzie, bye Evelyn." We wave bye to Xochitl and go to my trailer.


Author's Note:

HEY MY LOVES! How are yall doing? Good I hope. Did anyone go the Hattie Harmony reading in Nyc👀 I couldn't unfortunately go. But I go some pictures. Hattie Harmony came out today!!! There is also one in CA and there is an interview tmr for it. We getting so much Lizzie content.

Anyway hope you enjoy this chapter. Here is your chapter of the week. Just maybe I might give you another chapter. Sadly this book is coming to an end. I'm still decided how many more chapters left.

Stay safe. Lucky to the ones who got to see Lizzie. Make sure to eat, drink water and get enough sleep. Have a good day/night. Love you all.



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