"That's a wrap"

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Elizabeth's POV:

"That's a wrap for Lizzie" Everyone starts cheering and clapping. Jumping a little when a pop is heard and confetti flies everywhere. It was currently night time when we just finished shooting scenes for Wanda.

Kathryn had already finished yesterday but she couldn't stay. Since she had to fly to Italy for her next project.

Paul was here even thought he had finished a day before Kathryn. He decided to stay here and watch me work. It was nice having him here. What was not nice is not having Eve with me. She was currently also working. Damn they grow so fast.

Eve was currently at a different set. I wonder how she was doing without me. What was good was that my mom was with her. My mom adored her so much. I told her everything about her and she listened to every single detail. So Eve and my mom were at set shooting scenes for Godzilla. She didn't have much scenes, they told ke it would take one to two days. Depending if they wanna switch some stuff up. But nothing to crazy for Eve to do.

They did have Eve and Vera hangout as well. Wanted to have at least a small bond before shooting scenes.

Paul came up to me and hugged me. This was the last time I see him too. Well in person, after this I'll be seeing him over zoom calls. He has beeb of medication for now. I'm glad he is okay now. Well and recovered. I do sometimes have flashbacks to that day. Hugging him tighter, I here him saying something but I didn't catch it so I nod.

Julian and Jett left the week before our small break. God I just adore those kids as well. I won't see those two anymore. Me and Julian talked once an a while.

"Elizabeth you can start heading towards the makeup trailer." Once of the assistant tells me. Thank god, even thought I have this jacket on. I'm still cold as hell. Before I go Jac tells me to head up to her before leaving. Entering the trailer I hear laughter. Smiling at the sounds of the crew. Seeing me they get up and start getting stuff ready for me. Not before I spot Eve sitting in one of the chair's getting her hair curled.

"Oh my god baby hi" She carefully turns around and waves at me.

"Hi mommy" I motion my arms towards her and the woman nods at me. Telling me that she is done and I can grab her. I pick her up and smothering her with kisses. "Agh mommy your cold" She yells while pushing my face away.

I take of my jacket so they have better space to work on. Though I'm still freezing shiver a little. I put down Eve so I can sit down and let the ladies take my makeup of. Plus this wig of my head.

"Your mom just dropped her off. Also she brought did she said someone wanted to give something." They tell me while bring my phone and a couple other things. Checking my phone I see a text from my mom. Telling me about the day with Eve. I'll make sure to call her later and send her something for helping me. Then I see a small box wrapped up. Seeing the small note.

Lizzie Olsen,

Hopefully this arrives before you leave set. Here is a small present from me for helping me durring set. Also for making set fun. I really enjoyed the concert. But here's my present to you.

Your nosey neighbor,


P.S: there is a little something for Eve too. I love you guys <3

I smiling knowing those two initials are from Kathryn. Definitely will be also calling her. Sad knowing I couldn't say bye to her when she left.

I see that they have set out everything. So I put the box down and sit down so they can take everything off my face and head. Eve comes back with a blanket climbing up onto my chair. I help her up and sit her in my lap. Coving us bother with the blanket. I'm suprised she is awake being 2 am.

I have a small chat with the girls. Finding out some of them are coming with me to London. Taking a note I also have to tell Eve we are going to London soon. She is sat straddling my lap with her head in my chest. Through the mirror I see her thumb in her mouth. Which I quickly remove, making her whine. She sticks her thumb in her mouth again.

"Hey is it alright if I feed Eve real quick?" I ask and earning a 'yeah' 'sure' from them. Remember I'm still in the costume. One of the girls goes ahead and get me some clothes. Remove the top of the costume putting a shirt on. I move Eve so now she is laying sideways on my lap. Lifting up my shirt and waiting for her to latch on. She looks up at me with those big chocolate eyes.

"Go ahead baby" It has been a long time since I breast feed her. Yes I know its wrong for me to be still breastfeeding a four year old. But I just need some skin to skin contact right now. I think she does too. Its not like a breast feed her all the time. Its once in a while. I haven't been taking the pills anymore. But I still am producing milk so I don't have a choice to breast feed. She tiny though so she can pass as a two year old. Plus she is my baby.

The girls get back to work removing the makeup off me. While I move the blanket so I can cover Eve's body and mine. Not wanted to look at myself in the mirror. I look down at Eve, seeing her smile at me. Her small hand coming up to my face. Grabbing onto my nose. Making me srunch it and making her giggle. I lift my hand grabing her small one and kissing her palm. Putting it back down so the girls can continue their work.

We get back into a conversation. Talking about the new styles we will be trying out. Me reading a small portion of the script. Finding intresting but also nervous. Its a whole new level.

Looking back down, I see Eve fast asleep. I put myself away and adjust the way she is laying down. My arm being a bit sore. Oh god I really hope she is like this during our plane ride. Hope everything goes well. Calm down Lizzie you are overthinking again. Everything will be fine. I hope.


Author's Note:

HEY MY LOVES!! LMAO I accidentally posted this chapter without it being finished. I have a few updates for yall so let me saying before I forgot.

Updates of my schedule:

- Finals is coming up so that means less of a chance getting an update each week. I'll try to atleast start writing the next chapters. But we will see.

-June is a pretty busy month for me. I have graduations to go to. I go to a Sunday school and I have conformation. Invites to parties. Etc. So please be patient with me. I'll try to at least post something.

Update of the book:

-Time line is all over the place. I know I was re reading my own book and just realized. Hey its not my fault Stephan messed up the Multiverse. It suddenly was 2019 and now 2021 in like 2 monthss. 🤭 Just go with it I'm to lazy to fix it.

-Sadly no Kathryn × Elizabeth. I said this before in this book Elizabeth is gonna be a single mother. But she is fruity with Kathryn bc haven't you seen them together.

-Evelyn Olsen's face claim is Lexi Rabe

Questions for you guys:

-What more would you like to see while we go to London. [WE] Eve and Lizzie I mean.

-what should we do with Eve's schooling. Online or in person or a tutor?

As always thank you guys for reading this book. It means so much to me. I love every single one of you.

Everyone gives thanks to Germangielove29 because they have been helping me with ideas. I always like hearing your ideas. So you have any don't mind telling me.

Seeing you guys soon. I love you all. Make sure to be eating, drinking water and getting enough sleep. Have a good day/night.



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