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Lizzie's POV:

I been sitting here wating for Evelyn to wake up from her sleep. Thank k god she wasn't hurt. She is probably tramatized. Ever since we got to the hospital she keeps repeating something about her dad.

Oh and she has been speaking almost full sentences. I am concerned how did she start talking so much now.

The food comes in for her to eat. Its just some soup. So I start feeding it to her. She doesn't say anything.

She looks up at me.

"Daddy is gonna kill you"


She wipes her mouth with her sleeve.  She doesn't say anything else. She just looks down.

"Evelyn" she looks up. "Why do you say your daddy is gonna kill me"

"Ma-" There is a knock at the door. I turn around and see Chris. I get up and run to him. I almost break down right there and then. But I remember the child in the room.

"Hey there, are you okay?" He asks. I lift my head and nod.

"Yea just a bit in shock but I am okay"
I turn around to see Evelyn eating. "Um well this is Evelyn, and um Evelyn this is Chris."

"Captain America" Chris giggles.

"Yes I am. Your a very pretty princess"
I smile at them. I called Chris mintues before Evelyn woke up. They talk for a bit and Chris gets up.

"So what is going on"

"I don't know she seems so calm. Like she is used to all this. Early um she told me her dad is here." He furrows his eyebrows. "Then she said that he is gonna come and kill me"

"Wow. Did the police mention him to you"

"No they didn't."

《Time skip》

We are currently in my home. Yes they allowed me to take Evelyn home.

She hasn't spoken to me since the hospital. She is currently looking out the window. Then she stands up. She is following something.

I stand up and walk to her.

"What do you see baby"
She doesn't take her eyes of a blue car. I take a look at it. The windows are tinted. I look back down and she is gone.

I see her trying to open the door.

"What are you doing"

"Out" I kneel down so I can be some how her height.

"Look we can't go out. We gotta be inside. We can go to the backyard?"

"No, OUT!" She yells at me.

"We can't. Now come on" I grab her by the arm. She trys to peel my hand of her arm. She wines.

"LET, ME GO" There it goes again. I turn around.

"You don't raise your voice at me. When I tell you, you can't go out. You can't" She stares at me. The car outside honkes.

She turns around and then back to me. She tries to get out of my grip. Who ever that is, is trying to take her.


I pick her up. She screams. She starts kicking her legs.

"down, down, down" she says. I contine to go to my room. I grab her pacifier and her bunny.

I sit on the bed with her still on me.

"Shh, its okay shhh" I put the pacifier in her mouth. I turn on the tv and lay down with her still ontop of me.

What is going on

She snuggles into me, well more into my chest. I stroke her hair giving her a kiss ontop of her head.

She's been acting weird lately. Some days she will talk full sentences and then the next she turns into a baby. Chris had gotten me everything I need for Evelyn.

"Mommy" I looked down.

"Yea baby"

"I'm sowey" I smile and tuck her hair behind her ear. I bring her head back down to my chest. She really and I tell you really loves my boobs. She will literally lay on them. She will play with my shirt sometimes pull it.

I forget her mom never gave her these things. I got more info about her case. Her mom and dad didn't have an easy life. Her dad was in a gang. While her mom she was fine. Until one day she got into drugs.

Its so sad that they left their little bundle of joy. How can they do that. Then there goes again her dad is wanted. She keeps telling me he is coming. I will not let him take her away from me.

My phone starts ringing, I answer it.

L: Hello?

J: Hey Lizzie! How are you?

L: oh hey mom. I am good, how are you?

J:Doing good as well. Oh did I interrupt something.

L: no, no you didn't. Just kinda wispering bc Evelyn is trying to go to sleep.

Oh yea I told my mom about Evelyn. She felt so sorry for the kid.

J: ah okay then I'll call back later. I just wanted to say that your sister are coming to LA for a bit.

L: really wow. Haven't seen them in a while.

After ending the call with my mom. Evelyn had fully fallen alseep. I kiss her head and put her on the bed. I get up and go get myself a snack.

As I eat I finish answering emails. Shoot! We start filming soon. How am I gonna keep Evelyn a secret.

He's here

My Baby [Adopted by Elizabeth Olsen]Where stories live. Discover now