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Honestly, I wanted to see their kids too.

How the truck did you guys assume that I wasn't going to introduce the kids to you.
*narrows eyes.*
Anyways, It hurts to see them all grown up and married.

I smirked at Princess, while raising the glass and giving him a small nod.

'Cheers to that stupid rule, pighead.'

Zack clenched his jaw and raised an eyebrow, tilting his head to the side for extra effect.

My smirk widened.

Aah. The satisfaction I feel. He can politely get annoyed and entertain me.

Currently we were at a party-but-not-really-a-party. Something like a get together.

After that drinking and speeding incident, Zack said I wasn't allowed to have alcohol for as long as he wishes.

Not that I want to.

But you see, making people mad and annoying them has been my hobby for a long time.

So I did what a normal Evvie would do. I got myself a shot and smirked at pighead, successfully getting on his nerves.

He nodded to what the man on his side said, but kept his glare on me.

A challenging glare.

I scoffed and raised the glass to my lips and took a small sip.


His grip on the glass he was holding tightened, to the point the already visible veins on his hand became more visible and protruding.

He clenched his jaw and dismissed the man beside him quickly.

Abort Abort!

He strode towards me, his expressions turning darker with each step he took.

I tried hard to keep the unbothered act and smirked at him.

Putting the glass on the counter behind me, I leaned against it and crossed my arms.

He approached me, slowing to halt so close to me that our shoes touched.

"What?" I asked, tilting my head to the side, innocently. He scowled and bent down a little, putting his hands on the counter behind, trapping me between his arms.

"What did I say about alcohol, Nerdy?" He asked, a scowl making its way to his face.

I batted my eyelashes.
"Not to consume it. Oh well." I shrugged, pouting at the end.

I stared at him awaiting his reaction but he did nothing for a moment.

Now that he was so close and his cologne hit my nose, I wanted to swoon so badly. Thank goodness, I leaned against the counter before.

Zack moved a little and a glass appeared in his hand. He gulped down the drink and put the glass down with a clink.

"That was my drink, pighead." I scowled, punching him lightly.

"But I just drank it and now you're going to stay by my side all the time, drinking water only. No non-alcoholic drinks either. Oh well." He replied sarcastically.

"That's so mean." I huffed, flipping my hair back. His gaze lowered to my now-bare shoulder.

Oh yeah. I was wearing a pretty dress and high soles.

He stared at my shoulder with a small smirk.

His hand came to caress my collarbone, before he froze and snapped out of it, biting his lip. He hand lowered to rest on my waist before he looked up into my eyes and smirked.

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