Chapter 17

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The lecture went by without anymore disturbances, but she stopped me after class.

"What is it, Ms. Jones?" I asked, sweetly.

"You didn't turn in your last assignment, Ms. Romano." She said. I furrowed my eyebrows.

"I submitted all of my assignments, Ms. Jones." I muttered, looking at her weirdly.

"I didn't get the last assignment. You didn't turn it in." She said, now smirking.

"Maybe you lost it." I said, conveying double message. She's lost it.

"Detention, Ms. Romano." She said, sharply.

My mouth almost fell open. Almost.

But I just gave her the deadliest glare I could muster.

"Why, may I ask?" I said, resisting the urge to grit my teeth.

"For not turning in your assignment that was due last week, disrupting my class and talking back." She said.

"I submitted all my assignments. I didn't disrupt your class since 'I don't even know how long' and saying maybe you lost my assignment is not talking back." I rolled my eyes.

She ignored what I said and continued, with a smirk on her face.
"You will stay after school and It'd be great for one of your parents to meet me and sign this."

She seems sketchy.

"Dad's not home. He's out on a business trip." I rolled my eyes.

"Then whoever is your guardian at the moment." She said. I smiled at her way too sweetly.

"Okay, Ms. Jones." I said, sweetly.

I kicked her desk real hard on my way out, making her things fall down and when she bent to pick that up, I not so accidentally, emptied her desk, with all its contents, now on the floor. Then I slammed the door shut almost taking it off its hinges.

And I did something for the first time. I showed her the middle finger while walking out.

I walked out and found Zack waiting for me, leaning against a wall.

"What happened?" He asked, coming forward. "Woah. What turned you into a fireball?"

He pulled me into a hug, without letting me answer. And that calmed me down, sooner than I expected. I took deep breaths, taking in his scent, which seemed to soothe me inside.

"She gave me detention and wants to meet my guardian today." I muttered.

"Why?" He asked.

"Because apparently, I didn't turn in my assignment, which I did and talked back to her, when all I said was maybe you lost it." I said, stifling a laugh at the end.

Zack seemed to get the joke and chuckled.
"You kinda did."

"Well, she gets on my nerves." I said. "Now are you just going to hold me like this or you're gonna let me go?" I asked.

"I prefer this." He chuckled, picking me up and walking towards the cafeteria.

"Ugh. Put me down, princess. Do you wanna die?" I asked. Brothers will kill him.

"No and No." He laughed again.

I struggled. I can't enter the cafeteria, with him holding me in his arms.

Zack rolled his eyes and put me down, then put his arm around my waist.

"You know, I find it quite hilarious for Elonzo to come for a parent teacher meeting." He chuckled. "Like imagine the Capo of one of the most powerful Mafia, listening to a teacher, telling him how his sister is a troublemaker."

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