Chapter 65

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"Antonio, my brother!" Leonardo cheered, moving forward to hug Grandpa. I took a step back as they hugged each other and Leonardo patted grandpa's back.

"How're you doing, brother?" Grandpa said, respectfully.

"I'm good, Antonio. What about you?" He said, putting his hand on his shoulder while smiling a little.

"I'm good too." Grandpa said, nodding his head a little. Leonardo locked eyes with me and smiled wider.

"The princess." He said, looking me closely, up and down.

Grandpa cleared his throat, pulling me in a side hug, probably to get the attention off me.

"She's beautiful, Antonio." He said, like it was a really big thing.


"Of course, she is, brother. She's my granddaughter." Grandpa stated. Something was off in his tone. "Not only beautiful, she's smart and inteligent too."

He waved him off.
"Women just need to be beautiful and eye-catching, brother. What use would they put their brains to anyways, when all they have to do is listen and obey?" He said, glancing at me, looking me up and down again, then looking back at Grandpa. "You're forgetting everything you learnt, Antonio."

The truck is wrong with him!?

"I'm not forgetting anything, brother." You could tell by Grandpa's tone that he was resisting the urge to claw his guts out.

"Then I hope you put a leash on her as soon as you found her. I hope this one isn't too strong-headed or rebellious." He said, bending down to my level.

I clenched my jaw and glared at the old man. I didn't notice when his hand reached me and he gripped my jaw tightly, squishing my cheeks. It hurt but I kept glaring at him.

Grandpa was quick to get his hands off me. He acted out of instinct and anger, considering he was too respectful towards his brother who was a female dog.

"I'd appreciate it if you keep your hands off my granddaughter, brother." Grandpa said, gritting his teeth. I could see a vein pop in his temple and his hands twitching. His hand had returned back to his side after reaching for his gun two times already.

"Oh, so you're telling me what to do, Antonio?" He mocked, challenging him.

"Like hell I am, Brother." The respect Grandpa was showing him was thrown out of the window. Just like that.

"Wow. This is a new." Leonardo chuckled looking at me again, then back at Grandpa. "I thought you were keeping this little girl in line but now I guess she is keeping you right where she wants you. Wrapped around her finger." He mocked Grandpa.

"Of course. Do you know what else is new? You putting your hands on one of my kids. My granddaughter especially. I won't tolerate anyone even looking at her the wrong way, Brother, let alone touch her like you just did." Grandpa said, rubbing my upper arm with his hand, while still hugging me to his side, protectively. I just watched the exchange, silently. Not like I needed to say anything. Grandpa was handling it too well. Better than I would've handled it.

Before Leonardo could say anything, Salvatore Bianchi graced us with his presence.

Throw him out with the old man! I'm sure if this Leonardo trucker raised this guy, he would be the same.

As if on cue, Dad, my uncles and the oldies joined us too.

"Salvatore Bianchi." Salvatore introduced putting his hand forward for grandpa to shake. Grandpa shook his hand firmly.

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