Chapter 47

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I opened the front door and yelled.
"We're home."

About a second later, we heard footsteps.
"Hey honey. How was your day?" Will said, walking over to greet me.

He stopped dead in his tracks when he noticed I brought company.

His eyes filled with surprise and adoration as he looked at the little kids, who were currently being shy and hiding behind me and Zack.

After hugging me, he turned to the kids and crouched down.
"Hi, I'm Will." He said, softly, waving his hand.

I felt the grip on my sweatpants loosen as one of them turned their head to look at Will.
"Nice name. I'm Angel." Angel said, peeking from behind me.

Of course she was the first one.

"That's a beautiful name." Will said, smiling and shaking her small hand, which she extended.

I shook my head, smiling softly. I pulled them out and crouched down myself.
"He's my brother. The sweetest one actually. You don't have to be so shy." I said, smiling as they calmed down a little and slowly started introducing themselves.

Another pair of footsteps was heard. I turned my head towards the stairs.

"Let's go annoy Elonzo. What do you say, cool sis?" Leo yelled, striding down. I'm sure Elonzo heard that.

He stopped when he saw the little kids. His eyes widened and an excited look crossed his features.

"Oh my god!" He squealed. "They're so cute. Can I keep one of them with me?"

I facepalmed myself.

"Are you serious?" I asked, scowling at him.

"Do I need to answer that?" He asked, tilting his head, looking at me like I was the idiot one.

I just shook my head as he came down the stairs, with a more excited approach than Will's.

"Hi, I'm Leo. The coolest brother." He said, crouching down, so he was face to face.

"My name is Angel." Angel introduced first, smiling at him.

She likes this blackhead already.

Leo pretended to swoon and fell backwards onto the floor, making them giggle. He laid like a starfish for a few seconds, a dreamy smile on his face, before taking his hand off his chest and getting up again.

Angel let out a very cute giggle.

"I'm so lucky this beautiful princess talked to me." He said, kissing the back of Angel's hand, acting like a prince. "Would you mind, if I just kidnapped you and kept your cuteness all to myself?"

"But my sisters would be lonely." She giggled, obviously, liking the princess treatment.

"We can kidnap them too." He said.

"But what about these three? They're our friends." Elsa asked, pouting, talking about the boys. A look of worry crossed all six little faces' features.

Ugh. I want to hug them all so bad now.

"Alright. I'm kidnapping all six of you. That sound good?" Leo asked, smiling sweetly.

As expected, the kids got along well with him too.

"Okay. So if you see a grumpy, you all shout for me, so we can kick his butt." I said, suddenly remembering that a creature named Luciano exists.

"And if you see a mean oldie, don't ever shout for her or me, that will just get you into more trouble." Leo said, nodding his head slowly, like he said the wisest thing possible.

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