Chapter 82

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I yawned, with my eyes still closed. I don't want to open them.

I turned to my side and put my arm and leg on the person next to me.

"What time is it?" I muttered.

"I don't know. I don't want to open my eyes." Leo muttered, in his morning voice that sounded like a messed up tape recorder.

"Me too." I said and fell back asleep soon.

When I gained consciousness again, I struggled to open my eyes. I lifted my head. My head was on Will's stomach, my one foot almost on Leo's face and the other on his chest.

I sat up and blinked.
How did Elonzo let me sleep so much?

It was 11 in the morning. I slept at around 11. So twelve hours of sleep.

I yawned. I still want to sleep more, but I'm hungry.

So I got up, carefully, so as not to wake the two moms and tiptoed to my bathroom.

After a long shower, dealing with my hair and choosing the outfit for today, I made my way downstairs.

As soon as I reached the bottom step though, my heart stopped.
I could hear Leonardo and Salvatore talking to my family.

That's why Elonzo let me sleep in.

I sneaked to the kitchen quietly.

I don't want to deal with them first thing in the morning when I can go have a chat with my bestie.


"Well hello, sweetheart." I said, in a heavy voice, kissing the candies.

I was digging through the cabinets, trying to find where the sweets are hidden. Elonzo hid everything because he thought I was eating too much of it lately. Bullpoop. You can never have too much of these.

"And how are you darling?" I said to the big pack of chocolates.

I felt a shadow loom over me, when my lips were halfway through reaching my darling.

I looked back, with wide eyes and a pout to see who interrupted my date.

I gulped when those shoes came into view. I looked up from where I was sitting cross legged on the floor with a sheepish smile.

"Good morning, Brother. I was just finding your brother-in-law. I swear I wasn't trying to eat any sweets. I was just asking about their health and stuff." I smiled, patting the heap of all the candies and chocolates I found.

"Uh huh." He said, nodding his head slowly. He was standing with his arms crossed, a glare and a raised eyebrow.

"Want to join this morning chat?" I asked, smiling sweetly.

"Sure." He said. I furrowed my eyebrows, but quickly raised them in surprise when I felt myself being lifted by the back of my hoodie.

"You know pretty well that you're not allowed sweets. Especially for breakfast. Now take your butt to the counter and wait for actual breakfast to be given to you." He said, slowly and in a low tone. I nodded quickly.

He put me down. I pouted and dragged my feet to the kitchen counter, before taking a seat.

Elonzo sat beside me and used his phone. I tried to look who he was texting but one glare and I quickly started staring at the wall.

I got my phone out and scrolled through mine.

"So what is Zack up to these days?" He asked, like asking his best buddy how life is going.

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