Chapter 37

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Warning: Violence ahead.

Elonzo's POV.

I don't know what to do. I can't leave Nathan alone and now his twin just left, angrily.

The only problematic thing is, she cursed. That's something that showed she may as well go on a killing spree.

I called Dad and asked him to come home immediately.
"Are you okay?" I asked, for the millionth time. Nathan just kept crying silently.

"I'm worried about Evvie." He mumbled. I rubbed his back.

"She'll be okay." I reassured, but I wasn't satisfied by my reassurance myself.

She's going to hurt herself, acting out of that anger. Her and Luciano are similar in this. Both of them either storm out or try to break the wall by punching, when they are angry.

"What happened?" Dad asked, entering the room and rushing over to Nathan. Filling him on the details, I stood up, when he hugged Nathan and comforted him.

"I'm going to find Evvie." I said, getting my phone out and calling Leo.

"What?" Dad asked, looking so helpless.

"She left when she heard about the girl. Then all I heard was the front door slamming shut." I said, trying to hide the worry and panic in my voice.

"Oh God!" Dad rubbed his hand on his face.

I just walked out and called her guards.

"I want her home as soon as possible." I said, when Oliver said they're trying to track her.

Should I just put a stop to her hacking lessons? That girl has her phone protected and hard to track, then she jammed the tracker on the bike. That won't make a difference, I guess. I still don't know what more she can do.

"Yes Sir." Oliver said. "We're trying."

I hung up and just stood there, clueless, not knowing what to do. To comfort my brother or find my sister. Why does she have to do something so reckless? Speeding purposely to get rid of the guards? I should appoint racers now, to keep up with her.

I sat there in the hallway, waiting for some clue, waiting for them to track her. Waiting for the search parties to find her. Waiting for them to get this Christina's address.

I rubbed my hands over my face. Why did this have to happen to my brother?

Soon, everyone was awake and asking what actually happened.

After hearing what happened, Luciano stormed out of Nathan's room furiously. I stood before him, blocking his way.

"Where are you headed to now?" I asked, frustratedly.

"To that Bitch's house." He said simply and tried walking past me.

"She's at that girl's house." Leo yelled from somewhere.

How did she know her address?

"She asked me about that girl's address." Luciano gritted, trying to walk past me again. Oh? This one's in his class too?

My phone rang.

"We're at the location, sir."

"Okay." I said and grabbed Luciano's arm, when he tried to walk past me.

"You're not going anywhere." I said, simply pushing him back.

"How can you say that, Elonzo?" He said, clenching his jaw. "You can't let her get away with this."

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